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Rules of the winter indoor plants

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Most amateurs to breed houseplants know that in the winter cool window sill, too dry air from the permanently working radiators and drafts can not only cause substantial harm houseplants, but also even lead to its death.

In order to be this did not happen to be aware of some features of the care of houseplants in the winter.

Most indoor plants in our homes, come from warmer countries, where there is no such a strong temperature changes, and though they do not in need of special conditions on the winter season, however, so that the plants do not fade and feel should create good for them certain comfort.

In winter, the plants do not need to feed fertilizers, and should give them a break.

If the plants are on the cold window sill, it is necessary to protect the roots. Flower pots can be placed on insulating material, but if it did not work, it is better to remove the plant to a warmer location.

Often in the winter indoor plants die from transfusions. Because the room temperature is higher than the ground temperature, and the roots are in the soil cool to work less - should reduce watering, and always let dry upper layers of the soil.

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If the plant leaves begin to dry in the winter, it indicates the air-dried because of the constantly working heaters.

To cope with this problem houseplants need to spray every day, or install a humidifier.

In winter, the house color is often not enough lighting, so that the plant would not weakened, should be used the possibility of additional coverage - for example, set specific fitolampy and include them in a couple of hours each day.
If you follow all the above conditions, the houseplants without any problems outsource the winter.

But we should remember that in the winter home flowers do not threaten the rare diseases and pests.

If the plants overwinter in a cold window sill, the cold temperature can form various forms of rot, which will lead to the development of fungi.

The flat with dry air can awaken eriococcidae and spider mites. Therefore, for the safety of indoor plants should monitor the level of humidity in the room.

To ensure comfortable conditions for indoor plants in winter is not so difficult, it just only to remember and observe the small rules, and then the room pets will please their owners for many years.

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