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Agave: medicinal properties of plants

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Aloe (Aloe) has long been recognized as a medicinal plant and its healing properties have been well studied. The list of diseases that can be treated effectively with the help of this plant is very broad.

The use of traditional medicine

Aloe - this is one of the main plants used in home medicine. This plant is almost each family.

Agave is used to treat many diseases:

· Antibacterial substances in the composition of this plant is perfectly treat skin diseases. Wounds fester and are tightened more quickly. Aloe promotes skin regeneration for burns;

· When sinusitis is simply an indispensable tool. Aloe tissue destroying microbes in the nasopharyngeal cavity, and promotes sputum evacuation sinuses;

· Stoletnik efficiently copes with stomatitis and other inflammatory processes in oral cavity. aloe juice diluted and irrigate mucosal surface;

· Also aloe helps with angina;

· Aloe has the property to increase immunity. Regular use helps to resist infections in autumn and winter;

· The use of aloe for headaches has long been known to the public. The positive effect is almost the same as that of synthetic drugs;

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· This is particularly effective when the plant pain associated with vascular disorders;

· In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract caused by increased concentration of gastric juice, aloe used as additional therapy.

If you use aloe as a preventive measure, it is possible to significantly reduce the number of exacerbations gastritis and peptic ulcer disease.


Despite the abundance of mineral properties in aloe, there are few contraindications:

· Doctors forbidden to take this plant during pregnancy and lactation;

· When cholecystitis and cholelithiasis forbidden to take drugs aloe. This is due to the fact that this plant has an effect on the gallbladder and can cause acute diseases;

· The child population can be taken from the preparations of aloe juice only in a diluted form, and on doctor's advice;

· It is strictly prohibited admission of agave at different bleeding and aggravation of hemorrhoids. If you do not follow this rule, you can be faced with serious consequences.

If you fulfill all the rules, the aloe will not cause any harm to the body, and the benefits will be considerable.

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