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Alpine violet: the subtleties of beauty care at home

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Alpine cyclamen violet or European - a rare plant for sale in flower shops. Violet is usually spread Persian, which is why the alpine violet is especially appreciated at the florist.

In addition to the difficulty in acquiring, capricious plant to care for. Preserve and propagate the plant turns out only the most experienced gardeners.

Cyclamen during the growing season from October to March, in the summer they hibernate.

A feature of the plant is a habit to drop the leaves after flowering. Many gardeners scare this fact, and they throw the plant, although it is a perennial.

Value alpine violets is in flowers, petals that look like butterflies, and intensive pleasant aroma.

subtleties of care

For the successful cultivation of the plant is necessary to create favorable conditions and to comply with the subtleties of care for him. The parameters that should be considered:

· Lighting;

· temperature;

· Watering;

· Transplantation;

· Reproduction;

· A rest period.

Alpine violet during flowering prefers well-lit place, but not direct sunlight. Accordingly, the shaded northern windowsills it is not suitable.

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When choosing a place better to stay on the south windowsill, but to cover the plant from direct sunlight. One or more sheets of white paper creates favorable ambient light.

For a period of rest is better to pick a shady cool place. Since violet blooms in winter, you need to create extra light, it will prolong the flowering period.

Cyclamen prefers low temperature at 15-20 ºC flower will feel comfortable.

If the temperature rises to 25 ºC - plant will treat conditions such as summer and hasten the onset hibernate.

For the successful growth of the alpine violets need to comply with moderate watering. Plant roots rot, so moisturize requires only the lower part of the substrate.

For this flower pot with violet immersed in water for 15-30 minutes. The flowering period of the water for irrigation to defend, and during the rest of his stop.

Before the appearance of flower buds, the plant can be sprayed with, and to improve humidity put close to the water tank.

when transplanted

The beginning of the growing season - a good time to transplant. Planting pot to pick up on more than ½ the volume of roots. The composition of the substrate comprises: peat, soil, sand, humus in the proportions 1: 1: 1: 1.

On the bottom of the pot pour a layer of expanded clay 1.5-2 centimeters thick. When planting the bulb is fully immersed in the substrate.

The rest period dividing propagated plant bulbs, wherein each part should remain one kidney. Place the cut sprinkle with powdered charcoal.

Just propagate cyclamen can be seeded. To this end, in advance, it must be pollinated with a cotton swab. Before planting the seeds soak in Epinay or zirconium.

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