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Step by step guide: How to create a crown from the money tree without problems

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Money Tree, Crassula or, quite often can be found in the apartments of advanced gardeners, and those who does not like to care for plants.

This is not surprising - the money tree does not require special care, with impressive looks. But the appearance will properly only in if the Crassula be formed into a crown.

Often you can find long branches in pots with two rows of leaves that looks, to put it mildly, not very. Below you will learn how to form a crown at the money tree.

Basic care

Before you start to form a tree, it is important to remember the basic rules of care. The plant is unpretentious enough, the only danger - the bay and root rot.

It follows two rules: easy ground and infrequent watering about once a week in the summer (abundant), and every two weeks in winter. Money tree, like all succulents, stores water in the leaves.

The plant also does not like too scorching sun - there is a chance of wrinkling of the leaves. That's all the rules!

Form a tree

So, to get a nice tree house, it is important to take the following steps:

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· It is important to choose a good, strong stalk Crassula. He should be young, without shriveled leaves.

· On take cuttings should not be more than 2 pairs of leaves. Otherwise, the crown will be more difficult to form.

· Planting sprout into soil. Money tree root easily without cups with water.

· As soon as rooted cutting, pinch out the top pair of leaves.

· When new branches are doing well - pinch the upper leaves by simply removing their fingers. Money tree will start to rapidly grow new branches.

At this stage, you will be able to shape the plant according to your taste.

· Sometimes there are situations where the tree trunk can hold a large number of branches. In this case, we do such an operation - a sharp blade (wiped with alcohol) to make shallow cuts neat.

After a while, the trunk begins to stiffen.

to raise money

The main attraction of this succulent in folk beliefs about raising funds.

According to Feng Shui, a few rules must be followed:

1) In a pot with the plant is necessary to bury some coins of gold color.

2) Crassula not give near water and cacti.

3) When watering water may be put in a coin.

And the most important rule - have to love the plant! And then it will respond to you magnificent appearance and cash flows.

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