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How to prepare a water extract of banana peels to fertilize indoor plants. Step-by-step instruction

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Florists actively using banana peel with potassium content of plant nutrition. Aqueous extract is suitable for flowering plants and for seedlings.

Composition activates growth of buds and fruits, enhances photosynthesis.

Preparation of a banana skin

Knowing that bananas tested before delivery the various kinds of processing necessary to properly wash them with soap and hot water before use.

This is very important, since bananas are coated with wax and various chemicals ethylene group and a dust facilitating transportation of the product.

The content of carcinogens on a banana peel surface is very dangerous for the human body.

Frequent handling of banana plantations with pesticides makes only select reliable suppliers.

If the fertilizer is not prepared from fresh skin, before using it can be dried. To do this, washed rind can be placed on the battery.

The finished raw materials for fertilizers should buy black and brown. If the time of the summer, it can be dried in the sun.

Brittle after drying enough to break the skin of hands or grind using a coffee grinder or blender.
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Fertilizer in powder form for the creation of a drainage layer or for sprinkling the earth in the pots with plants once a month.

Water extracts from banana peels steps

Blender can be used for the processing of fresh banana peel. This will allow to prepare aqueous extract, performing the following steps:

1. Grind washed banana peel (1 unit) in a blender;

2. Add reservoir ground skinned water (250 ml);

3. Thoroughly mix the contents of the container.

The resulting composition is better not to strain, because there is the risk of yield loss.

Flowering and fruiting plants is sufficient to fertilize such a composition, adding to the soil a few teaspoons of fertilizer. Immediately after feeding the ground in pots need to be slightly loosened.

To prepare water extract other means need take washed banana skins (3 pieces), and then add water in the pot (3 L).

Extractor hood will be ready for use within 2 days. Infusion should drain and diluted with water in equal proportions.

Watering only those plants that need to be fed. The hood can be made more useful.

To this end, hides enough just add a handful of dried nettle or onion peel. Peel from a banana in this case, can be used repeatedly.

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