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Methods of propagation dieffenbachia at home

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Dieffenbachia is a pretty popular undemanding houseplant. It has a wide and beautiful leaves with different shades (from light green to dark green).

Propagated dieffenbachia is relatively easy, but the beginner gardeners should take into account certain nuances.

There are two basic ways to plant propagation:

1. Vegetative, ie new plant appears by dividing the previous (e.g., part of the stem).

2. Generative, ie seeds.

The second method is somewhat more complicated multiplication first, so it at home using relatively rare.

This is mainly due to the fact that the plant does not bloom often.

Vegetative way is more simple. There are several varieties of this division of the parent flower:

1. cuttings

Stem dieffenbachia cut into pieces of about 10-12 cm in length and placed in a jar of water. At the end of 10-15 days the cuttings have to give the roots.

As soon as they appear, young plants can be transplanted into prepared pots with soil.

2. the tip

The method is practically identical to the previous one, with the only difference being that instead of cuttings from the mother plant is cut off the tip.

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The main advantage of this method is that a new plant grows much faster, because he already has formed leaves.

3. leaves

This method is good because it does not cause much damage to the main plant. The only healthy, green and fully developed leaves should be selected as the material.

They should be no black spots and damage. The cut sheet can be directly planted in the ground.

However, a better option - is to put it in a jar with water and wait for the first roots.

4. escape

This method is suitable for producing new flowers, and for the rejuvenation of the parent. As a material suitable young shoots, which have blossomed at least three sheets.

Next, we must act according to the standard scheme: to put in the tank with water, wait for the roots and replant in a pot with soil.

5. The division of the roots

Suitable for older plants with well-developed rhizome. Flower gently removed from the earth and washed thoroughly under running water.

It was then inspect, remove the diseased portion of the root system and is divided into several parts.

At home, you can use any of the above methods. However, in any case, it should be remembered that after the division, dieffenbachia, you must create the most favorable conditions and do not forget about watering.

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