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Reproduction money tree at home. Step-by-step instruction

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Money Tree, Crassula, Crassula - the name of the same plants. It is very unpretentious, grows in all conditions, and it almost does not need care.

For these qualities, as well as for its beauty, money tree is popular with gardeners.

Reproduction it also does not make difficulties. Let us see how this is done at home.

breeding Methods

Dilute Crassula in several ways: by seeds, cuttings, leaves, layering.

Consider the nuances of each of the methods:

1. Seed propagation is difficult and a lot of time, and the home contents Crassula blooms rarely.

2. When rooting leaf long growing vegetative part.

3. Layering multiplies adult plant, growing long shoots.

4. The most common way - apical cuttings. Scion easily takes root, then quickly go to the growth.

Propagation by cuttings

Process for grafting selected vertical form, without bending to an adult tree looked beautiful.

Propagation by cuttings steps:

· Breaks off or cut off with a sharp knife cutting;

· come off the lower leaves;

· The cut is treated with activated carbon process is left to air dry for 1 day;

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• In a small pot poured drainage, then the soil for succulents;

· In the center is a recess, which is planted sapling;

· Substrate is compacted slightly moistened.

After 2-3 weeks take root stalks, but to transplant it into a larger pot size will be only six months.

Another handle reproduction option: first to put it into the water to take root, and only then planted in a pot.

reproduction sheet

The main condition for the reproduction of the sheet: it should not be sluggish. Step by step instructions rooting:

· Carefully tear or cut with a sharp knife leaf;

· ⅓ place it on a glass of water;

· When will the roots, transplant it into a shallow bowl with soil for succulents;

· Compacted soil and watered.

About a month later a small plant the money tree will appear on the ground surface.

by layering

For breeding in this way choose the long, dangling escape. Next to the adult bush a small pot with the ground, which lowered the top of the whip.

Leaves with rooting plant part is removed, and then lowered into the pot, sprinkled soil, watered.

After a while, escape take root, and it can be cut from the mother plant.

Multiplying money tree in any way, Florist acquire some new beautiful plants, medicinal properties which, though not recognized by official medicine, but tested in practice people.

In addition, as the belief tostyanka brings home material well-being.

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