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Original fertilizer for indoor plants

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Even the most unpretentious home in addition to flower watering device that requires proper care and nutrition, otherwise lush color have to wait long.

Without receiving the necessary vitamins, they are sick and can even die. What do I need to do to flowering gardens on the windowsill all year round, pleasing to the eye?

Everything is easily explained - the flowers should eat well.

High-quality feeding - this is very simple: do not go to the store, and using products that are always at hand.

Growers are actively reviving recipes from nature, to ease the process of courtship, removing chemical bags into the background. Honey is the original fertilizer for home colors.

Among the many ways to love and is often used solutioncontaining honey, because flowers - known sweet tooth. Yes, the Médoc is able to benefit not only the individual, but also serves delicious fertilizer.

Preparation of solution: 1 hour. spoon honey dissolved in 1 cup of water to a saturated density, and L 1 - for weak liquor.

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Nutritional honey mixture was indispensable for sdabrivaniya soil of houseplants is a powerful natural remedy stimulating growth It has several areas of use:

  • Pre-soaking of seeds before germination. As a result, we should expect friendly shoots, more sustainable and with an extensive root system.
  • Treatment of cuttings rooting in the pre-preparation process, after which the roots will become stronger and will appear in 3-5 days.
  • The use of the garden to improve pollination, the ovary formation.
  • The undiluted possible topical application, putting in place a dot honey flower growth.

Wanting to keep the plants healthy for a long time, you need to know when and how to fertilize, following general guidelines:

- feed the flowers should be regularly;
- less is better, because excessive fertilization will bring only harm;
- flowers, transplanted into the ground and should be nourished within 2 months;
- when the plant is sick or weakened, the concentration of the solution is reduced, because the roots are unable to absorb nutrients;
- before the feeding of 1-2 hours flower watered;
- supporting procedures are carried out in the spring and summer season, when the growth is in full swing.

In winter, a period of peace and there is no need for additional vitamin support, but there are rare exceptions for winter blooming flowers.

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