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How much money will household welding "eat" if you burn a pack of electrodes: count the watts and convert them into rubles

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Electric welding is a good household helper. But many are confused by the current consumption and the load on the household network. Let's see how welding affects the wiring and how much it will cost to produce one pack of three electrodes.

How much money will household welding "eat" if you burn a pack of electrodes: count the watts and convert them into rubles

Wiring load

Welding is the main irritant of housewives. As soon as she starts to work, she will hear: "You wind up money and burn the wiring."

Consider the operation of a welding machine at an average current with a triple electrode. Troika is the most common electrode at home. It is enough to, for example, weld metal 5 mm thick to a sheet of ten.

At an average current, the welding machine consumes:

  • the highest reading at the moment of maximum load - 20 amperes (when the arc is ignited);
  • when the arc is steadily burning - 11-13 amperes.

For comparison: a household electric kettle consumes 9 amperes in operation.

But don't compare welding with a kettle or electric oven. This is a stable indicator of 11-13 amperes for an experienced welder. For a beginner, the electrode will stick, which will cause current surges and, accordingly, heating the wiring.

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Conclusion: there is no experience - you should not power the device from an ordinary household outlet, and also use household carriers (many people sin with this). You need to be powered from a pole or from a shield.

The publication uses photos from free sources.

How much money does the device eat for a pack of electrodes

In the hands of a welder with a stuffed hand, the triple electrode completely burns out in 1 minute 15 seconds (a slightly average indicator). During this time, 10 centimeters of a high-quality seam are obtained.

To calculate, first we get the power consumed by the device: we multiply the current (average 12 amperes) by 220 volts and we get the power in watts. 12 * 220 = 2640 watts.

2640 watts is an indicator of how much the device will consume in an hour. But we spent 1 minute 15 seconds on one electrode, which means we divide 2640 watts by 60. 2640/60 = 44 watts. Then 44/4 = 11 we get one quarter (consumption of watts in 15 seconds) and add up the indicators. 44+11=55. In total, 55 watts are consumed in order to burn one electrode.

The kilogram pack contains about 40 electrodes. Then everything is simple: we multiply 55 watts by 40 electrodes and get the number of watts per pack. 55 * 40 = 2200 watts (2.2 kilowatts). Then we multiply the indicator by the tariff and get the amount.

Tariffs are different everywhere, but you can take the average across the country - 4 rubles 50 kopecks per kilowatt. 4.5 * 2.2 = 9.9 rubles. 9 rubles 90 kopecks will be spent on a pack of electrodes. It follows from this that one electrode consumes 24 kopecks of electricity.

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The battery on the car began to run down often, but you don't know what's the matter? Read our partner's article: "Monitor your car's wiring if you don't want to walk to work."

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