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What if Dekabrist froze and dropped buds

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Dekabrist or Schlumberger - a beautiful houseplant, which in favorable conditions, rather unpretentious in the care and resistance to various diseases.

This culture belongs to the genus cactus and grows in the wild in the tropics. One of the most popular indoor plants the flower began back in the 19 th century.

And despite the fact that the flower has an excellent immunity, it sometimes needs special attention in order to avoid possible trouble.

For example, as a result of hypothermia this plant may lose the buds, and if it does not take urgent action, exotic, handsome might just die.

Therefore, information on what to do, even an experienced florist will be useful in this situation, because at the critical moment is very easy to get lost.

Emergency assistance for supercooling

The most dangerous for the plants is sudden changes in temperature and finding for a long time in a room where the temperature is below + 10C.

This is because that this flower comes from the hot tropics with a very mild climate.

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Also Dekabrist may die for other reasons:

· Excessive watering;

· Deficiency of essential micronutrients;

· Infection of insect pests;

· Rot measles system;

· Too low temperature in the room.

In the latter case, to revive the victim flower can only be by means of pereukoreneniya.

This can be done as follows:

1. Carefully cut a few leaves (up to five) and place them in a glass of water for up to two weeks. This time is enough to appear roots.

2. The new container to pour the soil for cacti (pot should have a drainage hole).

3. Put leaves formed roots with a new pot and pour defended water at room temperature.

4. The flower to put in a new pot with fresh soil and watered three - four days. Also, after the transplant should not fertilize the plant for a month.

Decembrist is a beautiful exotic plant that survives well at home, but, like any living thing, can get sick.

The main objective is to comply with the basic grower growing conditions, namely: to avoid saturation fertilizers, to prevent waterlogging and periodically inspect the plants for the appearance of insects - pests.

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