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Root rot in violets and how to overcome the disease

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Tugor violet lost and color became less saturated colors - is evidence that the flower root system began to decay. But do not worry and rush to throw the plant, as any disease, identified in the early stages is treatable.

How to identify the disease

Experienced growers presence of root rot determine accurately the external plant species.

On it may indicate signs of the following series:

· Violet leaves become less tight;

· Green color becomes more pale color;

· Reduction of abundant flowering.

Accurate diagnosis can be put only by examining the root system of the plant.

A healthy roots flower white color, but the patient's color varies from light brown to black, depending on the extent of damage.

Causes root rot

The appearance of root rot in violets provoke the development of pathogenic microflora.

Infectious pathology of this type is shown in the following cases:

· Waterlogging substrate;

· Sudden changes temperature;

· High humidity;

· Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Chlamydospores botridiusa and Fusarium (pathogenic fungi) are able to be stored for a long time on the remains of rotting plants and in the soil, so it is very easy to infect a healthy flower during his transplant.

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How to win root rot

Because root rot is an infectious character, the entire plant may die at the wrong rehabilitation measures. To this did not happen, you should observe the following instructions:

1. Remove the flower from the pot and evaluate the degree of damage by root rot system.

2. Remove all roots and dark-colored leaves. You must leave only light branching of the root system. Then you can transplant the plant into a new pot, using a specially prepared soil.

3. In cases where the root system is all black, it must be cut with a knife to the barrel level. It should be light without dark extraneous inclusions.

Then the plant will be required to implant one way (in water or soil).

4. If you can not save the barrel, it is possible to re-grow your favorite violets from her pre-rooted saved their healthy leaves.

Only by observing all rehabilitation and preventive measures will help to keep the plant healthy.

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