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I transported OSB sheets in the car - the smell of tar was outrageous. Why do wireframes continue to be built from OSB?

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For the formwork (filling the armopoyas) I decided to use shields from OSB sheets. This technique was first seen on the youtube channel by the self-builder Dmitry Koblikov. There will be a separate article about this. In this one I want to share my emotions and ask a question to those who build frame houses and houses from SIP panels.

OSB sheets in the car
OSB sheets in the car

I bought 7 sheets (2500x1250mm), each in the store's warehouse was sawn across into three parts so that everything would fit into the car interior. On the street it was about +30 degrees, moving with an air conditioner with internal air recirculation. And after 5 minutes I felt a pungent smell of chemistry, resin from OSB sheets. I had to open windows.

I immediately remembered the frame technology and houses made of SIP panels, where rooms inside the house are sheathed with OSB sheets:

Everyone says that such houses are very energy efficient, keep warm like a thermos. Of course, without normal ventilation, it is not just a thermos, but also a gas chamber. Or someone confuses this "furniture" smell of resins with the smell of wood (chips, as the basis of sheets)?

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I cut the sheets in half (lengthwise) and folded them in the mother's greenhouse. After a day of storage, where the temperature rose to 60 degrees, he opened the door and again hit the pungent smell of epoxy resin. Now imagine, somewhere in the southern part of the country the temperature in the shade is +40. And in the sun, the wall heats up even higher. The inner sheets also get hot, especially on mansard roofs. How can you live in such a house?

If you install supply and exhaust ventilation, then the effect of energy efficiency from a frame house can be greatly reduced. Yes, and the cost of a set of equipment and its installation is from 200 thousand. rub.

Someone will say that everything is sewn up with drywall or something else. But drywall is a vapor-permeable material, and, therefore, fumes from resins also pass inside to some extent.

OSB material, wood chips and veneer elements are bonded with glue based on urea-formaldehyde resins. And it has a high emission of formaldehyde. It is the strongest carcinogen and poison.

There are OSB boards with different class of formaldehyde emission: E0.5, E1, E2. Class E2 may only be used for exterior cladding and roof foundations. There was also E3, but it was banned. But which of the ordinary people knows about this, to whom are frame houses being built? Who checks the certificates and quality certificates for OSB panels used in SIP panels?

By the way, the yield of formaldehyde from freshly sawn wood can reach 0.2 mg / m3. especially in resinous rocks. The maximum MAC for formaldehyde is 0.05 mg / m3 (within 30 minutes) - SanPiN–00. In one of my recent articles in the comments, most of the readers expressed their opinion, they consider houses made of wood to be the crown of environmental friendliness. I don’t understand anything. For plates of class E2, the formaldehyde yield is up to 1.25 mg / m3. And for E1 - up to 0.125 mg / m3:

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Is everything clear in numbers? I myself believed that all OSB boards are the same, the only difference is in thickness and manufacturer. But chipboard is even more harmful in this regard material - the shavings are smaller, there is more glue.

It is believed that in the USA (where more than 90% of the market for the construction of private houses are frame frames), they are sheathed with plywood inside. Hence, their cost is not small. But the veneer layers of plywood are also bonded with glue, it just shines less with this chemical. Less glue. Film faced plywood has a minimum background. It is stronger and more waterproof, but more expensive.

I read that GOOD WOOD, a major builder in the Moscow suburban housing market, refused to use OSB in the construction of houses. Competent approach to preserve the company's image.

OSB sheets are an inexpensive, strong shield material. It is because of its price that they continue to make SIP panels from it and sheathe frame frames inside and out. There are probably more environmentally friendly polymers that can be used to glue chips, such as acrylic polymers. But, probably, their strength is not the same and they are more expensive.

By my own example, I was convinced that even a few minutes of closed space with this enough material for the concentration of harmful substances to go off scale and feel as critical even for the sense of smell. If you use OSB, then only for formwork, the roof of a cold attic or the outer part of the walls of the frame.


Photo taken from open sources, from Yandex. Pictures

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