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Hippeastrum common illnesses and their treatment

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Hippeastrum - bulbous plant with different color tubular flowers. Under the right conditions of long flowers it has striking appearance.

But, sometimes, Hippeastrum growth slows, flowering may not occur at all. This may be due to plant diseases.

Consider the most common ones.

fungal diseases

Hippeastrum can marvel at the various fungi. This occurs from having too dense ground in a pot, an excessive nitrogen content in it, too deep planting bulbs, humidity and stagnant air in the room.


The most common disease of this plant - a red bulb rot (red burn stagonosporoz). The disease is caused by a fungus and is the most dangerous of all.

At the same time in all parts of Hippeastrum appear red touches.

For treatment plants it is necessary to remove from the pot, cut all the affected parts to healthy tissue to dry for 5-7 days.

Then treated with a solution of any antifungal agent. After which the plant is planted in a lightweight substrate so that half of the bulbs peeking out of the ground.

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This disease is characterized by the presence of brown spots on the above-ground parts of the plant.

Over time, the spots grow, they begin to interfere with the sap flow, and, in the end, dying leaves.

To get rid of this scourge diseased plant parts are cut, the rest - a few times treated with a solution of fungicide.


Onset of the disease begins in the damaged root system. Then gradually the fungus affects the rest of the Hippeastrum: stop the vessels arrive nutrients and the plant slowly dies.

Treatment is the same as in other fungal diseases: the affected parts of the plant are removed and destroyed, the rest - are processed by any fungicide according to instructions.

pest defeat

Hippeastrum can affect various pests, such as thrips, Quadraspidiotus perniciosus, spider mite. Leaves thus deformed, covered with secretions, tubercles.

Insects suck the juice, then the leaves fall, the plant dies.

In identifying insects gippeastrum treated with insecticide and acaricide several times a month with 5-7 days interval.

With regular inspection, preventive spraying with antifungal drugs, as well as timely treatment gippeastrum will long to please their healthy appearance and beautiful flowering of its owner and his environment.

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