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Why not flowers Hippeastrum: how to help plant

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Incorrect care gippeastrum long time can increase, not letting flower arrow. Consider this article, why it occurs and how you can help the plant cope with this problem.

1. Improper pot size

Planting container should be small and shallow. The optimum distance from the edge of the pot up bulbs - 1-2cm. The upper part must be above ground by a third surface.

Watering Hippeastrum is done in such a way that no water enters the top of the plant. The excess water is discharged from the pan.

2. a rest period is not created

A prerequisite for flowering plants - to provide him with a period of hibernation. If gippeastrum to rest is not going to suit him artificially.

For this plant are entered in a dark, cool place, and directly in a pot is placed on its side. It no longer watered and fed.

In this state, gippeastrum need to stand for 2.5-3 months. The leaves will gradually fade. They were strictly forbidden to cut or break off.

withering process should pass naturally.

3. Immediately after flowering, cut stems

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The arrow of flowers is not immediately cut off. One needs only to remove the seed pods: she pulls on a lot of forces needed to build the plant bulbs. Arrow also gives it the nutrients.

Nor spike pull. He will be pulled out easily from the bulbs after the complete decay.

4. Improper dressing

The first dressing after planting is done not earlier than 1 month. The composition of the fertilizer depends on the stage of development of Hippeastrum.

At first, he poured nitrogen during flowering emphasis on phosphorus and potassium. After flowering plants Not to feed.

If Florist inexperience focuses on nitrogen fertilization, the plant may not bloom: this type of fertilizer contributes to only build leaves.

5. The presence of diseases and pests

Incorrect care, for example, wetting the plants, it can affect fungal diseases. In these circumstances, gippeastrum, most likely, will refuse to bloom.

To get rid of the fungus plant sprinkles fungicide solution. At detection of pests shrub watered by insecticide.

If you still refuse to gippeastrum bloom, it can be taken for the growth of the summer on the air. Under these conditions, it will escalate a lot of leaves.

In the autumn at home leaves will gradually dry, giving power the bulb. After a period of rest is abundant flowering and prolonged.

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