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Oxalis disease and how to treat it at home

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Kislitsa is a perennial plant of the family Kislichnaya that grow not only in the garden but also at home. It gained popularity among gardeners due to attractive appearance and simplicity of maintenance.

Below is a look at how diseases subject to the flower, and how to treat them.


The plant may harm Jose scale, has a resistance to external influences.

In order to eliminate its cook soap or alcohol solution and take a conventional toothbrush, by which process the flower solution.

This is guaranteed to eliminate scale insects and prevent its reproduction in the future.

Often sorrel whitefly suffers from occurring, usually due to frequent watering or high temperature. Get rid of pests allows hygienic processing plants.

Wash it under water and treat with insecticides, which can be purchased at any specialty store.

Processing is carried out only in the open air, putting your hands on rubber gloves.

Insecticides and help in the fight against aphids. The appearance of the pest insects indicate small white, leaving behind a white sticky plaque.

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Kislitsa affected botrytis or Fusarium, particularly in the absence of the normal drainage layer and excessively moist soil. it is recommended to use this drug as "fundazol" for the treatment of these diseases.

Flower can also dry up due to a long stay in direct sunlight. In this situation, get rid of dried leaves and place the pot in the shade.

If the leaves are not opened, so the lack of irrigation and the level of moisture in the room is too low.

But most often in oxalis rotted root system. The appearance of such a trouble leads mostly too frequent watering.

To resolve this issue, properly shake off the root system from the ground residue, and then trim the point at which there is decay.

Next, cut the plant and put him into the dried soil. Then pour flower water in a moderate amount.

In the propagation of rust stains in the form of a brown, sorrel treat with fungicides.

If the plant becomes sluggish and throws the sheets, which means that it has passed in a state of rest.

It is recommended to cut off the cuttings for at least 1-2 centimeters and move the flower in a darkened room.

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