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Rust on violets and methods of treating disease

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Potted violets are perhaps the most popular plants among gardeners in our country. However, they may also be exposed to certain types of diseases, particularly as a result of improper care and violation of temperature conditions.

It is therefore important to know how to prevent this problem and at the first sign of its appearance, how to help their own plant.

These beautiful flowers should be given special attention, because the flower tells us that his health at risk:

· Stop in development;

· Dry leaves;

· Loss of brightness;

· Abscission of buds;

· Darkening of the tips of leaves;

· The appearance of spots on the leaves;

· Any changes in appearance for the worse.

In this case, only you can help your pet and time to fix the problem to prevent its destruction. Violets are the most vulnerable to the appearance of rust on the leaves of a flower.

Causes of rust on the leaves

Leaf Rust occurs when the room in which the violet over a long time, has high air humidity and low temperature, below 15 ° C.

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In this case, the plant is attacked by rust fungi.

The disease is characterized by the appearance on the sheet of orange tubercles, which are in the development process burst, releasing new spores rzhavichnyh fungi, which in turn pass the remaining healthy parts of a flower.

To resolve this problem should be treated with flower fungicidal agents.

Perform processing on their own can be easily and quickly by adhering to the following algorithm of actions:

1. To move the plant to a location with good ventilation, such as a bathroom or a room with the window open.

2. Wear protective gloves and a respirator for respiratory protection.

3. Dilute concentrate according to the instructions and pour it into a container equipped with a spray.

4. Thoroughly spray the plant, starting from the top down, not forgetting process and the underside of the leaves, and sprinkle the top of the soil.

5. Cover the plant or package neatly wrapped in plastic wrap, excluding the access of oxygen to the flower. Leave the plant for 2 - 3 hours.

For the prevention of diseases of indoor plants is important to follow the main rule: when you buy in a store or a greenhouse new green pet should endure it for a week in quarantine in a separate room, where there is no other plants.

If during the period of quarantine at the new plant is not showing signs of illness - it can be placed among domestic oasis.

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