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Formation of a crown houseplants. Step-by-step instruction

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Formation of houseplants - a procedure aimed at ensuring the optimum conditions for the development and growth of the plant, as well as the creation of a beautiful refined appearance. By itself, the procedure is not complicated, but requires an individual approach, and observance of elementary rules.

The process is carried out by conventional methods: pruning, pinching, pasynkovanie and garter.


When forming used several types of pruning. Each type has its own goals and objectives.

  • Sanitary. It involves the removal of old and dry shoots.
  • Rejuvenating. It is used to enhance the growth of young and new shoots.
  • Formative. Designed to create the shape of the crown of the plant.

As a rule, pruning is carried out in early spring using special tools (scissors, shears, knife) and compliance with the instructions:

1. First remove dry, damaged leaves, buds and branches. To do this, choose the appropriate size tool. For trimming small plants suitable conventional scissors, and to remove the more powerful branch pruner use.

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2. Crop produced at the base of the branches below the area of ​​the formation of future buds. If you can not completely remove the branch, in this case, the removed branch with young leaves and shoots.

3. For the formation of the crown should be cut all asymmetrically growing branches that disrupt the desired shape, as well as those that grow inside the crown.

Before pruning should continue obsmotret plant and determine the location of the next cut-off, as the new shoots begin to grow it in a place where the removal is carried out.

4. In the case of processing plants with a trunk and branches forming only the top row of removal be all side branches to the trunk base, and for the uniformity of growth top main escape pinch.

5. After the procedure is required to feed a plant cutting.


Pinching one of the popular types of formation of branched plants for the decoration of the beautiful form. The aim of this procedure is considered to be abundant flowering and growth of plants. Nipping produced by removal of fresh kidneys from the end of the shoot.

This procedure is carried out at least twice during the growth of plants. As the young shoots are delicate structure, the procedure is carried out by hand or with scissors.


posynkovaniya procedure is to remove the unnecessary and useless stepchildren, so such a method of forming a plant peculiar arts - flowering plants.

For their abundant blooms and the emergence of large flowers posynkovanie is an indispensable technique.


Garter is required, as a rule, climbing plants for maximum decoration, as well as the resistance of plants with weak and brittle stems.

For this purpose, various support structures made of wire, wood, installed outside of the pot support.

Also, to provide a strong support and other devices are: moss sticks, hoops, trellises. It is not recommended to tie the stems to the support in the distance is very short.

For some plants, shoots and fixing them in the direction of a specific purpose activates flowering.

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