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How to achieve a lush flowering achimenes

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Achimenes - undemanding houseplant that bloom bright bells. In itself, a small plant and grows in the form of a ball. With proper care profuse flowering begins.

Thus achimenes begins to throw a plurality of bright bells, whose length is about 5 centimeters.

Proper care achimenes

Compliance with all standards of care of a plant - allow achimenes bloom all the warm season. To do this:

· Adjust the temperature of the air correctly

Achimenes - thermophilic plants which can tolerate temperatures in summer - more than 15 degrees.

Favorable temperatures entail abundant flowering plants.

· To create the necessary humidity

Achimenes - plants that love moderately moist environment. Therefore, a number of them can be put containers with water, and to spray the plants in the morning and evening.

· Choose the right lighting

Properly set up the lighting - affects the abundant flowering. This plant loves bright light, but can not tolerate direct sunlight, since they can damage the leaves and trunk achimenes.

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· To carry out a correct watering

Since spring plant needs constant watering. That it can achimenes luxuriantly blooming in summer.

It should also ensure that after irrigation water in the sump does not remain.

· Feed the plants in summer

It is these actions will help achimenes richly bloom all summer.

proper fertilizing

At the request of the gardener fertilizing achimenes it performed not only in summer but also in the spring.

You only need to feed the adult plants, achimenes seedlings do not need it.

To feed flowers use any fertilizer, suitable for indoor plants. Use it should be no more than 1 time per week. In order to achieve a particularly lush flowering plants - you can cook your own fertilizer.

To this mixed substance required with 1 liter of water:

· 1.5 grams of nitrogen fertilizer.

· 1 gram of phosphorus fertilizer.

· 0.5 grams of potash fertilizer.

In minor proportions the finished solution is poured under the leaves of the plant. As an additional dressing can be used mullein small part, which is diluted in water.

Implementation of proper care and feeding of plants during the summer period - will allow to achieve a lush flowering achimenes.

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