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What to do when Violet bought in a shop killed

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In all flower shops flowers are lush greenery and bloom profusely, and the same applies to the violets. But after we buy a flower and bring it home, then a few days later he stalks begin to fade and disappear leaves.

And if nothing is done, most of all, the favorite violets die. What can we do?

The good news is that the violets is easy to tolerate transplantation, and the same breed. So if you bought a violet start to die, you must do the following: Remove all damaged, dry and withering leaves, in general it is necessary to leave the outlet with healthy leaves.

Now cut off at the root of the socket and look at the state of the roots. If they are brown in color, it is likely that the plant dies from stem rot. In this case, it is impossible to save the violet.

You can only take a few leaves and try to root. But if the root is healthy and has a green color, for salvation is a chance.

Cut off the need to instill a healthy outlet. There are several ways. The first is rooting in water, but this method is not very effective, as many of violet may simply rot.

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Better in this rooting in the ground immediately. Thus it is necessary to prepare such a formulation: peat, vermiculite and special store primer for violets (1: 1: 1). The prepared mixture gently planted a violet, not to damage the leaves, because they are very fragile.

it is recommended not to put the updated plant in a place where much direct sunlight, while it is better placed in the shade. Now violet will take 2-3 weeks to take root in the new location.

At the same time we must not forget to water the flower properly. Do not allow excessive waterlogged soil. Watering is necessary to defend water at room temperature, 2-3 times a week during the summer. In winter, reduce watering 1- to 2 times per week.

In this case, there are several ways:

· Watering through the pallet. Pour a little water and left for 20 minutes, then the remaining water in the sump is drained.

· Direct watering. It should be done carefully not to get water on the leaves.

· Pot placed in a container with water and leave for 15-20 minutes.

In spraying the plants do not need. If moisture gets on the leaves, it can cause burns and leaves have to be cut.

After the transplant, the first blooms appear not earlier than after 4-5 months. During this period, violets need more light, so it is better to place on a window sill. But you can not avoid exposure to direct sunlight.

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