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Dracaena infectious diseases and their treatment

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Dracaena - undemanding tropical plant that is a real decoration of any room. Without requiring special care, with favorable climate conditions Dracaena very rapidly. But it happens that at one point the plant can get sick.

In order to understand that the plant is not great - just look at his appearance. Deformation of leaves, unnatural color, dryness and many other abnormalities - indicates that the plant is in need of urgent treatment.

Types of infectious diseases and their treatment Dracaena

Looking at the leaves of Dracaena - you can immediately conclude a healthy plant or not. In the presence of an infectious disease:

· Appeared dark or light, dry spots - indicate the presence of the fungus.

Get rid of the disease is possible by means of spraying with fungicides, which can be purchased at any pharmacy or gardening store.

· Light - brown spots on the leaves with a red rim or geterosporov - say that the plant struck by a fungus.

We need to treat this disease with the help of special fungicidal solution which should spray the leaves of the plant 3 times a day.

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· Wide brown spots with a green tint and black spots - a sign of the emergence fillostiktoza.

The cause of this disease is a fungus and excessive dryness of the air and the soil in which the plant is planted. To eliminate this disease, it is sufficient to make the air humid, and within a week to process the leaves of dracaena fungicides.

· Rot and excessive softness of the leaves - indicates the manifestation of bacteriosis. The causes of this disease may be excessive humidity, and abundant watering plants.

Dratsenu ill bacteriosis can not be cured. Therefore, these plants are simply destroyed.

· Another of the fatal diseases Dracaena - a tomato spotted wilt virus. On the leaves spots appear leaves and branched longitudinal bars.

In this disease, dracaena stops growing, its leaves are deformed. Get rid of the virus is not possible.

The cause of the occurrence, of any infectious disease in a dracaena - is the wrong plant care.

Time seen signs of infectious diseases - can help quickly heal the plant and continue it to fully develop and grow.

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