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Smitianta - home bells. subtleties of cultivation

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Smitianta - a perfect plant having red leaves velvety brown color and flowers in the shape of a bell. Smitianta occurs from the family Gesneriaceae.

The place of origin of the flower stands are considered the territory of the southern part of Central America. With proper and responsible care can be grown is an interesting tropical flower and on the windowsill.

Care home bell

Location and lighting

Achieve plentiful flowering smitianty can only be achieved if enough bright light. But it is necessary to protect velvety sheets smitianty from direct rays.

Otherwise, the flower can suffer and receive severe burns.

temperature conditions

In the spring and summer flower feels good at a temperature of 22-25 degrees. With the onset of winter season in which the rest of the flower activated state air temperature regime should not be below 20 degrees.


Smitianty important for maintaining a constant high level of air humidity. Spraying the leaves of undesirable conduct, so it is used as an additional concrete block moisture, filling them to the pot tray.

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But the bottom of the flower pot should not be too moist. Otherwise smitianty roots can simply rot.

At low air humidifying plant leaves twisting occurs, after which it may perish.


Much water is to be made during the phase of active growth and development of plants. the need for irrigation must be determined by the degree of soil drying. Water the flower defended with warm water.

It is important that water is applied through the drip tray.


Smitiantu feed costs during the period from March to September. Fertilizing once a week. As a dressing suitable to use a universal feeding.

But it should be diluted with twice the recommended consistency.


Transplant home bell should produce annually with the onset of spring. For landing, a special dirt foundation for violets.

Subtleties in growing

• After contact with the leaves of strong sunlight may cause yellow leaves and their death.
• In dim light, the flower can bloom and cease to suspend its development and growth.
• When strongly wetting the leaves may appear brown spots.
• yellowing of leaves means that the chosen incorrect humidity or overfeeding produced fertilizers flower.

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