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Top 5 flowering plants, which are difficult to destroy

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If the novice grower has no experience in the cultivation of the plant, it can start with these plants that can survive even with minimal care. It can be both indoor and garden plants.

In this article we will look at 5 flowering green spaces, very unpretentious in the content.

Rozhdestvennik (decembrist)

This epiphytic cactus. In nature, it grows on tree trunks. On undemanding flower by the fact that it can withstand the temperature range from 2 to 40 ° C. Its flowering begins in late fall and lasts until the end of winter.

Inflorescence in rozhdestvennika drooping form, the palette is very diverse. They are: pink, orange, red, white, purple, violet. At home, the plant is able to live up to 20 years.

Geranium (Pelargonium)

This flower is so easy to care for, it is recommended to grow beginner gardeners. If it provide a minimum comfort (moderate watering, sufficiently good lighting, ambient temperature of + 10 ° C), it will be long to please the flowering of its host.

In summer the plant can be planted in the garden area. If geranium accustom to the sun gradually, then it will burn the leaves are not even in the open garden area.

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The only thing that could not bear pelargonium - freezing temperatures.

Chinese rose (hibiscus)

This is one of the most common colors in the homes, offices, schools. China Rose is very hardy: it is enough only occasionally watered.

It is able to withstand being in the back of the room with no bright light, no dressings. But, in this sluchaetsvetenie may not be as long and abundant.


The plant has sword-shaped leaves are beautiful, intricately shaped blossoms of various colors. The most popular in horticulture, bearded irises. They rapidly building up the rhizomes, which multiply and.

Despite the fact that the root system is almost at the surface of the soil, it rarely freezes in winter.

From irises very hard to get rid of: if you leave 1 small nodule, he will escalate the vegetative mass of bloom, and then give the offspring in the hole.

Dianthus barbatus

This plant has the florets. But collected in the inflorescence, they will decorate the garden with beautiful buds of various colors.

Sweet William blooms for a long time, then she ripen small black seeds. After maturation they are poured on the ground for the next year to germinate, and a year later the seedlings bloom.

Even if the plant does not pay attention, it will still survive.

Cultivation of flowers - a very exciting experience. And to avoid disappointment novice grower just need to buy unpretentious greenery. And only then, having gained some experience, you can take and for growing more capricious plant.

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