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As Zamioculcas grow from a sheet without problems

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Plant called Zamioculcas came to us from tropical Africa. Growing, of course, this plant is slowly but unpretentious in care, so that it can grow even a novice grower.

This plant resembles a "money tree", because the people often called "dollar tree." For the cultivation of this plant, you need patience and a couple of his sheets.

In what type of soil and how to properly plant

Leaf must be cut at an angle and place in charcoal and leave to dry for a couple of hours. For rooting, you can choose plastic cups, the bottom of which you want to place the foam and pebbles as drainage.

Soil is best to use peat and perlite in a ratio of 2: 1, but is also suitable mix of succulents and the soil with sand. Further it is necessary to humidify the prepared soil, put the sheet back on a pair cm depth and flatten.

In this position, a leaf is to stay for about a month. Thus some conditions must be met: the temperature below 20 degrees, regular watering, who is to perform with the spray, and dressing (including aloe layer). During the summer, the best sheets to cover the jar.

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Education tubers

After a month on pieces already can form small tubers and even longer roots. After that, it is already possible to plant the plant: it is better to make a bush, so flower will look magnificent.

Capacity for further growth of the plant is better to choose a small, otherwise the root system can grow strongly, and this in turn will adversely affect plants.

the formation of shoots

For a number of leaves may wither, but this is not cause for concern, they just nobly sacrificed themselves.

However, it is no secret that green cuttings will develop more rapidly, and so will the leaves first.

The first shoots and care

The main rule in the care of this plant is a regular watering, which in the winter time should be minimized. Besides Zamioculcas loves the sunshine, but rather scattered.

The plant also very sensitive to cold and excessive moisture. It should also be noted that in the spring and fall to plant pores special needs feeding.

Now, when you have your flower Zamioculcas, you should give it stronger, and after that you can safely perform its reproduction as the sheets and shanks, and its tubers.

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