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Solid fuel boiler - especially the selection and operation

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Due to the constant rise in energy prices and the high cost of gas connection an increasing number of users FORUMHOUSEpay attention to the solid fuel boilers.

Today the market offers more than a dozen models of such boilers using coal, wood or fuel briquettes.

Not to be mistaken with the choice, you should know a number of features of this type of heating equipment.

Solid fuel boilers operate on the following fuels:

  • UHL;
  • firewood;
  • pellets;
  • briquettes;
  • wood chips;
  • sawdust;
  • peat.

So, to choose the best TT pot, you must:

Determine which type of fuel is the most available in your area of ​​residence.

It may be that somewhere profitable to be heated with wood, and somewhere - coal or peat.

There are models of boilers which work on two of three types of energy, such as firewood and electricity. Day a boiler to heat the house, working with wood and electric heating element is turned on at night. Such a scheme is the most optimal for the availability of the night tariff for electricity.

Select the required boiler output.

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The approximate capacity of the boiler is calculated as CT - Heating 10 sq. m square requires 1 kilowatt. This proportion is valid for well-insulated house with a ceiling height of up to three meters.

To determine whether it is necessary to heat the house only, or also need hot water for domestic use.

In this case, double-or single-loop placed TT boiler to the connected thereto indirect heating boiler.

Indirect heating boiler heats water by using the heat of the heating system and the electrical energy. This allows you to "do not drive" boiler for hot water at the end of the heating season.

Determine the purpose of the use of the boiler.

For example: continuous (permanent), occasionally (cottage mode) or as a backup system.

When choosing a boiler for permanent residence in the first place out of its reliability, durability and efficiency. Less than necessary loading fuel boiler, the more comfortable to use.

Dependence of power from coal-fired boiler fuel

Calorie and heat different fuels differ from each other. Therefore, the boiler output and, therefore, while it is running on one tab can vary significantly.

Garifyllin (Member FORUMHOUSE):
- Buying TT pot, many think that his power does not depend on the type of fuel burned. In fact fall power by burning less caloric fuel (e.g., damp wood) may reach 25-30%.

In operation TT boiler fuel with a moisture content of 25-35% of the power loss increases. In addition, there is a rapid formation of deposits, and the boiler will have to be cleaned every 3-5 days.

It is important to know that the technical descriptions often written boilers maximum power. When choosing a boiler must take into account the TT that the power states when working on fuel with a low content of moisture and under optimal conditions. In fact, using less caloric fuel, or if it has accumulated power boiler moisture may differ considerably from the stated manufacturer.

- The first question to be asked when choosing a boiler - which had the maximum and minimum power? And also - how efficiently it operates in these modes.

Why is it so important to know?

Example: the boiler has a power range from 5 to 30 kW. its combustion time on one tab is from 4 to 12 hours.

Therefore, at the maximum, on average he will give 120 kW per hour, but at a minimum - only 60 kWh.

- It is important to understand that not all of the heating season, the boiler operates at nominal capacity. It turns out that the boiler with such data most of the time work optimally, and it has poor efficiency.

Pros and cons of heating solid fuel boiler

In solid fuel boilers have a number of advantages:

  • a wide range of models;
  • low price for fuel,
  • TT boiler does not require a large initial investment in comparison with the cost of gas or summing gasholder installation on site;
  • autonomy, as TT boiler operates without connection to the mains.

But TT boilers are not without drawbacks:

  • Low efficiency - 80%;
  • low degree of automation: requires constant human presence for loading fuel into the boiler (average - every 6-8 hours).

Most solid fuel boilers running the following cycle:

  • loading fuel into the furnace;
  • heating boiler;
  • burning fuel in the furnace;
  • cooling of the boiler;
  • boiler cleaning of combustion products: ash, coal.
- When you stop the boiler heat transfer fluid in the cooling system, respectively, in the house temperature drops.

TT boilers with heat exchangers made of cast iron are less sensitive to the quality and water hardness, but more demanding to reflux temperature coolant.

If the "return line" heating system supplies cold water, because of the sharp temperature drop cast iron boiler heat exchanger can collapse.

- boilers with a steel heat exchanger warmed up quickly. They are not afraid to extreme water temperatures. However, these boilers are more demanding fuel and chimney.

The optimum scheme of using coal-fired boiler

Based on the experience FORUMHOUSE users, we can say that the best option is the following: scheme is the combination of TA and TT boiler (heat accumulator) mounted between the boiler and the system heating.

TA - is a large, well-warmed water tank.

Heat accumulator performs the following functions:

  • accumulates heat and gradually gives its heating system;
  • protects the boiler from overheating because TA superheated coolant mixes with plenty of warm water;
  • you can create a single heating system, which enters all the heat generating equipment in the house on the basis of the TA - solid fuel boiler, elektrokotol etc .;.
  • TA prolongs the life of the boiler and, as it stores a certain margin already heated water then reduces fuel consumption and increases the efficiency of the system;
  • TA increases the time between the loading of fuel, which has a positive impact on comfort stay at home: do not need to get up in the night and lay a new batch of fuel in the boiler.

However, in conjunction TA and TT have "pitfalls".

- There are heat accumulators open and closed. Outdoor TA - a container with water in which a heat exchanger immersed. The water in the TA heats boiler and the heat exchanger removes the heat to the heating system. If the heat exchanger area is selected properly (was small) and he could not cope with the transfer of power, this leads to the fact that TA is boiling, and the batteries in the house - barely warm.

Security measures for heating solid fuel boiler

Solid fuel, in contrast to liquid, burns longer. When burning wood or coal emit a lot of heat, and the solid fuel boiler, possessing inertia, can instantly cool down and stop working even when fully overlapping access of air into the furnace.

When heated heat transfer fluid is significantly increased in volume, and this excess is necessary to put somewhere.

If you do not, then the situation could spiral out of control: pipes or radiators tear, while gross violation of the rules of installation solid fuel boiler can explode.

To avoid this, the heating system is inserted into an expansion tank for discharge of excess fluid.

Expansion tanks are of two types:

1. Closed - a closed vessel, equipped with a safety valve for relief of excess pressure.

2. Open - an open tank having a message with the atmosphere.

This tank is usually mounted at the top of the heating system, for example in the attic.
This provides unobstructed discharge excess pressure from the system.

- For TT boiler is better to use an open system with natural circulation of coolant.

The heating system of a country house, built on the basis of solid fuel boiler in the first place, the calculation requires a competent and careful observance of all safety measures.

All information about the requirements for boiler rooms available here. The main selection criteria are set out TT boiler in this topic. Pyrolysis boilers - Myth or Reality? The answer to this question, you will learn here. The better to heat solid fuel boiler? Read in this topic. Follow the battle between the boiler and the pyrolysis can be a conventional solid fuel this link.

How to heat a large house with no gas - see in this video. And this video you will learn how to build their own "smart" solid-fuel heating system.

Discuss the article and read other materials devoted to country life you can on the websiteFORUMHOUSE.

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