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Not flowering violet? 5 good reasons for the lack of flowers on the plant

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Violet - one of the most popular home colors. Small plant with fancy leaves and bright colors - can decorate any window sill.

Novice breeders of house plants - do not even realize what difficulties they will encounter, because violet - it is the flower that requires special care.

The main reasons that prevent Violet blossom

Regardless of the type of violet - there are certain factors that affect the flowering plants:

· Light

A sufficient amount of lighting plays a huge role, which affects the growth and flowering violets. The basic rules for creating the desired lighting plant - is the absence of direct sunlight, which can burn not only the flowers of violets, but also its leaves.

The best option for the flower - will supply the scattered light.

· Vitamins

Many species of violets he suffer the disadvantages of useful trace elements, so these plants - flowering occurs very rarely. To resolve this problem, the plant on a certain schedule - you need to fertilize.

· Improper irrigation

Watering violet - it is a complex procedure that requires special skills from a breeder. Stagnation of water in a pot and excessive watering plants - causing it to rot.

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Strong drying soil and lack of irrigation - damaging to the root of violets, which leads to the death of the flower.

Also, uniform watering directly affect the flowering violets, exactly the amount of water - dependent state in the color.

· Air Concentration

The appearance of colors in violet, very strongly influenced by the environment in which the plant is located, and what kind of air surrounds violet: dry or moist air.

In this issue requires adherence to certain balance, as too dry air will lead to sickness and absence of leaves of the plant flowers.

Much important - to prevent constant humidity.

All of the above reasons, because of which will not flower violet - legkoustranimye. There is another important reason that affects the flowering violets.

Lack of flowering violet - can be connected to the existing plant disease. Which would not have been a disease - it can always be eliminated.

Adhering to certain rules of caring for plants - it is possible to achieve a continuous bloom, which will delight its owner every day.

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