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Yeast fertilizer for indoor plants. Step by step recipe

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Everyone knows that the yeast can ferment, so they were used in cooking, used for the preparation of beer, kvass and even home-made wine, as well as often added to various medications.

Recently, people are coming up with interesting and even unusual use yeast. They began to apply for the application of masks on the hair and face, but the most interesting application, especially for gardeners, this yeast fertilizer for indoor plants.

Gardeners know that these rich amounts of iron, proteins and carbohydrates, that promotes rapid growth of flowers and trees, and therefore use them as fertilizer your garden.

As you can see in the yeast can now be found almost anywhere.

The fungal useful fertilizer for plants

1. It causes them to grow twice as fast due to the large number of beneficial bacteria;

2. Root growth also accelerated, so that the plant itself is growing more rapidly;

3. With the help of a dressing plant made stronger and more durable;

4. To seedlings transplant easily moved, they also should be watered yeast solution.

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On this basis, it became clear that the yeast - an indispensable component for gardeners. This fertilizer is useful not only for indoor plants, but also for those that grow in the gardens.

How to prepare a yeast fertilizer for indoor plants at home

Step by step recipe:

· In the three-liter jar with hot water pour sachet yeast (10-12g);

· Add two tablespoons of sugar, mix well and leave for a day at room temperature until the fermentation, closing the jar.

Also, some growers recommend to add to this mixture - hops. He twice accelerate the fermentation process in the bank. You do not need to wait for hours until the start fermentation.

When you add it to this process will be after that time will save a couple of hours. But mostly, the hops are not added, but just wait a day and the solution is ready.

There is another recipe for a yeast feeding similar to the previous:

1. Mix 10 g of yeast, 30 g sugar and 2 askorbinki in a separate bowl;

2. Then the mixture was poured into a three-liter jar with water and mix well.

3. Put on a night in a warm place and let stand.
Water the plants should be alternated. First, yeast dressing, and then after a flower is completely dried out - conventional warm water.

After watering plants such fertilizer - your favorite flowers will grow at twice the speed. Not for nothing said before is growing by leaps and bounds!

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