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Correct transplant violets at home

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Violet - beautiful indoor flower, in principle, not very capricious in care. His departure is only watering, hoeing and fertilizing fertilizers, but there are a few cases when you want to change to a different pots:

· The flower has passed quarantine period after the acquisition. Immediately after the purchase is not recommended to transplant the flowers, because they are under stress and may start to fade.

They need a couple of days to get used to the new location and temperature conditions.

· The surface of the soil you notice white patches, and he continues to appear again after you remove the top layer of the earth.

· The root system of the plant has expanded greatly and is no longer fit into the previous container.

· The flower got a lot of young shoots.

• You begin to notice that the violet leaves turn yellow and fall off.

Transplanting plants is usually carried out in two ways: handling and complete replacement of the earth. The method is selected in accordance with prevailing problem.

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Regardless of the method transplanting flower is necessary to prepare properly. Repot violet best in spring or autumn.

In winter, flanked by an immature plant may not be sufficient sunlight in the summer is not transplanted because of high temperatures. Before the procedure, transplanting flowers need to pour.

But do not fill it, the roots should be only slightly damp.

The first method - a transshipment plants from the old to the new pot. This transplant is preferred for new plants that have been quarantined after purchase. There simply pull out the root system from the pot along with the land and move into the new pots, podsypaya of land required.

I would like to elaborate on second method. Usually transplant with full replacement of the land choose if the plant is sick.

To do this:

1. Prepare container. Better to take a new plastic pots. Clay can overdry soil due to its porous structure. Refrain from transplanting into pots, which have already been used. On their walls could remain microorganisms that can kill the plant.

2. Prepare the soil. For Violet's better to buy the land in a specialty store. She will approach the ground with an acidic composition.

3. Perform transplant itself. To do this completely free plant roots from the old land, do it carefully so as not to damage them. In the new pot Sprinkle the ground first, then fill it with a little ground, put the flower on all sides pour it land.

Try to act carefully. Do not fall asleep strong stems. Liberally drizzle the plant after transplanting.

4. Provide adequate care. After the transplant, violet require additional care, often to fertilize the soil, with special solutions to the roots quickly settled down in a new place.

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