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Features of cultivation and care crossandra at home

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Most often, that beautiful house plant or flowers, or leaves. But not in the case of crossandra: her original green leaf lattice structure and beautiful flower buds consisting of small inflorescences.

growing conditions

Crossandra a native of the tropics, so usloviyaneobhodimo provide for it are the same as in her homeland.


Krossandralyubit good lighting, but not exposed to direct sun rays. She has tender leaves and buds that can be burned by them. Bright light is needed for abundant flowering of its lack of buds may not be tied.


The optimum temperature for this tropical plant - 18-20 ° C. At too dry air, it is necessary to spray water. Crossandra not tolerate drafts, so it is not recommended to move into the air.

The soil

The soil should be light, loose. For this mixed sheets and turf ground, peat and sand is added. In doing pot drain hole at its bottom is laid drainage consisting of expanded clay, broken shards or pebbles.


He is timely fertilizing, watering, pruning.

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It should be moderate, but at least 1 time per week. In winter, watering is significantly reduced, especially if the room temperature is low. From excessive moisture may rot the roots of the plants.


In the flowering period (May to September) the plant to feed 1 every 2 weeks complex fertilizers. From October to February crossandra necessary to provide a rest period. Feeding is not made during this period.


Produced after flowering to avoid removing flower buds. Crossandra can be cut slightly, cutting only unevenly growing, thickening shoots, and can dramatically. In the latter case, the plant is rejuvenated by producing new young branches.


It can be done by cuttings or sowing of the seed. Cuttings carried out in the spring or summer. For this selected shoots of 10-15 cm in length and take root in water or directly in soil. The base is dipped into the pre-cuttings "Kornevine".

Growing seeds takes a little longer. They are soaked and sown in a mixture of sand and peat. The soil is moistened, covered with foil. After some time, the seeds will germinate. Seedlings dive into individual pots.

Crossandra can not be called easy in cultivation. But adjusting to its requirements, Florist will long enjoy this beautiful plant.

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