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Lithops: the subtleties of growing from seed at home

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Lithops - growing from seed at home
Though it is possible to grow Lithops vegetatively, but they are likely to grow in the home using seeds.

Since this process does not cause difficulties. The seeds can retain their viability for a long time, but the best seedlings are obtained from seeds stored for 3 years.

Sowing and cultivation

Seeding produced in late fall, and until the last days of spring. But the most suitable is the month of March. Since during this period the temperature regime becomes most favorable for growing, heating in buildings is disabled and the air is humidified.

Matched primer for Lithops seeds should easily be purged and flowing well water. For young Lithops perfect earth, mixed with sand, consisting of coarse grains in the proportion of 2: 1.

The soil for planting should be carefully treated, in advance spent disinfection by steaming and drying in the oven. Before you start planting soil should be thoroughly moistened.

Before screening seeds Lithops well soaked in water for 6 hours. Sow the seeds can not prosushivaya. Since Lithops seeds are very small, then for uniform sowing is best to use a needle.

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Soaking the tip of the water, you need to catch the seed and move on the ground. The seeds should be placed on the ground, as they begin to ascend into the light.

Pot of seeded seeds need to cover with plastic wrap or glass and move in a bright room.

To 2 times a day during spraying should be performed and airing, removing a film or a glass cover for a few minutes.

Once the seeds germinate, the duration of ventilation should be extended to 15-20 minutes. Watering is necessary only in the event that the earth is overdried.

Since frequent watering in the Lithops can affect perniciously, forming cracks on them, which can lead to wilting of the plant.

Lithops tend to grow chaotically, so that they do not close, you can make a dive. Transplanted the young plants have to adapt, so at this time it is not necessary to put them in the sun and produce minimal watering.

Lithops is very easy to clean and does not require additional dressing. But you can "treat" them with tincture of vermicompost.
Amazing Lithops can please others more than a dozen years.

They are one of the most long-lived plants that are grown in the apartment conditions.

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