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Instructions: how not to lose his dacha.

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Since January 1, entered a new law that can change the fate of millions of people in Russia who have a problem. The law defined new rules for the construction and registration of country houses.

Many people believe that it can deprive truckers their property.

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What can you do to protect yourself?

1. Check out their land rights. Very often truckers membership books, and it's not possible to sell or buy land or a house. If you have a situation urgently stand on the cadastral registration and fill in information about yourself Rosreestr!

2. The new law only two legal forms: Vegetable garden, and non-profit sector. All others: DNT. Absolutely all of suburban cooperatives and partnerships are canceled.

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3. All financial relationships now only cashless. For older people who are not very familiar with the bank transfer it will be a difficult decision.

4. Be sure to check on your documentsGarden you or garden. Following the new law, capital construction is only allowed on the garden plots! On the garden shed or cellar is permitted. So if you now have the status of vegetable garden and house- should hurry up if you do not call it uzakonite- samostroem and can carry up to the end of the year!

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From March 1 to enter another innovation: if you decide to build a house, you must notify the local authorities and obtain permission. Next, make sure the data on new construction in Rosreestr. If you do not, then the ownership will have to prove in court. And that may well not go to meet you and decide that your new home is a squatter!

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There is also a plus: you finally - you will be able to register at his dacha in. And that many have waited long enough!

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