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What to do if azalea dropped all the leaves. Causes and how to deal with the problem

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Many of us are making great efforts to create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere for the home. Excellent cope with this task houseplants. But they are not the only objects of the room decor.

Each plant is unique in its kind and requires compliance with the conditions. But it happens that due to improper care of the plant, it starts to hurt. It is no exception and azalea.

Incorrect care this plant may lose all the leaves. The reasons for this may be enough, and it is about them will be discussed.

Failure to observe the climatic conditions

Azalea - very finicky plant, and therefore requires careful observance of climatic conditions. The optimum temperature for its content of 15-18 degrees.

The plant does not tolerate direct sunlight and drafts. The plant loves moisture and requires spraying once a day (in the flowering period does not need to do it), in It recommended to water winter plant once a week, and in a drought immersed in the whole plant water.

The composition of the soil must be enabled for azaleas:

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coniferous earth

peat, vermicompost


river sand and perlite

In the case of non-compliance with the data content of plant leaves dry out and conditions are beginning to fall.


In the presence of this disease blackened trunk and leaves of the plant. At the initial stage of plant diseases can save special drugs, late stage is not treated and drives the plant to death.

Rhododendron mites, thrips black

In the case of infection with these parasites should immediately start specialized treatment. insect larger than 3 ml, so it is easy to detect. Symptoms of the disease - the blackening and defoliation.


In the presence of the disease leaves of the plant turn yellow and begin to drop off. The reason is calcium chlorosis surplus due to frequent fertilizer. Treatment consists of irrigation with the addition of acetic acid. Per liter of vinegar must be 5 droplets.

scale insects

In the presence of this insect species has the same symptoms as that of chlorosis. Treatment is a thorough examination of the flower in order to find the parasite.

fungal disease

If the leaves of the plant acquired a brown shade and began to wither - it indicates the presence of a fungal disease. As treatment is necessary to replace the soil pot boil and treat flower drugs.

If you follow all the rules on the care of a plant, the azalea will be for many years to please you with their blooms.

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