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Strelitzia - bird of paradise in your home. Features of cultivation

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Flower Strelitzia ( "Bird of Paradise") - one of the most colorful plants around the world. Fans of colors dream grow it is a rare plant in the home.

Flowers resemble the crests of strange birds. In home conditions Strelitzia flowers wavy, abundant and long.

Types strelitzias that grow in the home, has high decorativeness, easily transferred to the indoor climate and with proper care give bright abundant flowering.

Features of cultivation

· Seeds plants give good germination only freshly form, and are not subject to long-term storage. Need for pretreatment of the seed - soaking in water having a temperature of 35-400 C.

· The swollen seeds are sown in a 200 ml capacity. Planting containers must have good drainage holes.

· The soil mixture consists of compost, peat, purified river sand in equal proportions. Plant container is filled to ¾ soil above - moistened sand layer in which the seeds are placed prepared. Containers are closed with a film of polyethylene.

· The first shoots appear from the 1, 5 months to one year, depending on the variety and growing conditions.

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· Temperature in the room where the plant is grown, maintained in the range 22-240 C. Crops are placed in shaded areas to protect from the direct rays of the sun. Polyethylene coating is removed after the first leaf.

· In the future, the young plants are watered regularly. Strelitzia likes moist soil. Watering defended plant with water at room temperature. In the winter months, watering should be moderate, but to prevent the drying of the earth in a pot.

· When the plant reaches a large size, it gently transplant into a pot with a drainage hole quality. Flowering occurs within 4-5 years after sowing.

· Plant photophilous, an ideal place for growing is the east side, the room temperature is 18-200 C.

· As the lilies are transplanted into the high flower pots every 2 years.

With proper care, the right location and the creation of favorable conditions, Strelitzia will please their owners extraordinary flowering.

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