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Pachira or bottle tree: the subtleties of cultivation and care

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Its interesting name this flower got the word "pahirinazavr" such dinosaurs existed a few centuries ago. Pachira reaches a fairly large size, brought forth up to 2 meters high.

It has styled bottle tree or an artificial palm tree for shape. There are a few of the exotic plant names.

Pachira love to grow in a home because of its decorative image, which glorifies the uniqueness of the interior of the room. By providing a sufficiently high humidity and temperature favorable, Pachira can reach a couple of years a height of 2 meters.

At ambient conditions it is possible the cultivation of only three kinds of Pachira:

· Aquatica - the most common type, grows up to 3 meters, it has dark green leaves.

· Rotundifolia - a rare species, has long creeping shoots;

· Silver - silver differs presence faded stripes on the sheets.

At home, the tree blooms impossible. And in the open nature Pachira when blossoming has unique flowers of pink and yellow. Pachira also can bear fruit. The fruits obtained from the flowers are edible and have a small size, reminiscent of nuts.

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Growing in the home

At ambient conditions it is best to grow species Pachira Aquatica. Propagated plant by grafting or via the seed.

Seed planting takes place in April, as a primer, you can use sand or peat. You can just put the seeds on top of the soil and sprinkle them. After planting a container of seeds should cover with foil and place in a warm room.

Watering must be done 2-3 times a week. After 2 weeks the first shoots should appear.

And also can be propagated by cuttings Pachira. It is sufficient to cut off from the main plant stalk having a kidney and land it on the ground. After 6 weeks the plant will give the roots. Propagation by cuttings is best carried out in late summer.

Pachira tends to accumulate liquid, so the adult tree watering is not required. In winter spraying is carried out only when the temperature reaches + 22 ° C.

The unique ability of the plant is its flexibility, so the newly formed stems braided in pigtails, creating an interesting image. Pachira juice is completely harmless, so it is easily grown in flats, without fear for the security of children and pets.

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