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What diseases and pests are dangerous for geranium

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You just love indoor plants, while geranium - it's the best flower for you. This plant is completely unpretentious care, taking root in virtually any room and please its owners bright blooms, eating of course it is not attacked by pests and various diseases.

And you will find answers to most questions that your plant is not killed, read the article.

Geranium undemanding plant, but still requires proper care. Due to improper care plant can get sick and die. So how do you recognize that your flower is not so.

1. The leaves began to change color from green to yellow. This disease is called chlorosis, it occurs due to the lack of minerals, and the reason may be a wrong or improper watering pot.

Treatment: Transplant flower pot to a bigger, adjust watering, add to watering fertilizer containing mineral components.

2. Dropsy. This disease is characterized by softening and yellowing of leaves, appear on the back side point Similar to water bubbles.

It arises from improper watering and place the flower arrangement.

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simple treatment: Reduce watering, to look in the pan does not stagnate water, move the flower in the room with greater air circulation.

3. Burn foliage bacteria, characterized by abundant foliage desiccation associated with the penetration of the soil bacterial infection. Remove diseased leaves, pick up the fertilizer to fight infection.

4. Viral and fungal diseases. Fungal - the appearance of dark spots on the leaves. Viral twisting foliage and complete wilting of plants.

Both of these diseases are treated by complete removal of infected leaves and the plant treatment solution, containing in its composition fungicides - active substances, which are able to fight off infections.

Not only the disease can harm the flower, but also insects and other pests that dwell therein.

· Aphids - small black pest affects mainly the leaves of a flower. It feeds on plant sap.

· Tracks - they can quickly identify, appeared on the holes in the leaves and flowers.

· Thrips - are capable of forming on a flower growths on the inside, then the leaves change color to brown.

· Spider mite - affects the leaves, forming a point on it is yellow, then the leaves begin to dry up and fall off.

· Whitefly - an insect in the form of white gnats, can be put off by the leaves of the larvae in consequence of which they begin to curl and the plant quickly dies.

· Nematode - to settle in the soil and feed on plant roots.

On the pests it is necessary to fight and the sooner you start to do it, the better, otherwise not only will perish geranium, as well as standing close to his plants as pests-insects are able to move between plants.

treatment plants is usually carried out by spraying the leaves, flowers and twigs insecticidal chemicals.

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