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Subtleties of cultivation and care of the royal begonia house

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Begonia Royal - one of the plants that attract the attention of showy, bright leaves. It does not lose its color even in winter. But to maintain its decoration is necessary to perform certain conditions.


Royal Begonia native of the tropics, so the room it needs to provide a comfortable environment for her. Lighting should be bright, but the rays of the sun should not fall on the leaves. Optimum temperature - 25 degrees.

In winter, the plant must be put away from heat sources to avoid drying of the leaves. Begonia likes moist environment, so round it is possible to spray water or put a pot plant in the pan with a wet expanded clay.

The soil should be loose, light, consisting of earth, peat and sand. The presence of clay in the mixture is not allowed. Containers for plants should not be large.


Begonia breeding methods are used: seed, cuttings, division of rhizomes, reproduction sheet. The most popular is the last way: in the short term there is a lot of kids, from which grow beautiful plants. To do this:

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· Cut sheet, an incision across its veins;

· Put it horizontally into the damp earth of the pot, and something a little pin down;

· Pot cover film or glass sheet, it intermittently winding.

Through cuts soon hatch kids. They need to grow up a little more, and transplanted into a small container.

Begonia cuttings to propagate, it is necessary to cut off the escape, to put it in a glass of water for rooting. When the handle will roots, it also needs to be put in a small pot.

The division of the bush is made in the spring. Plants are separated and planted in each separate container. Another method of propagation - seed - time-consuming and not very popular among gardeners.


Care royal begonia is timely watering, fertilizing, pruning shoots stretched out, transplant. These cuttings can be used for plant propagation.

Watering should be moderate, as far as the soil dries. Winter soil moisture is significantly reduced.

Since the spring, begonias should be fed complex fertilizers frequency of 1 every 2 weeks.

Trimming is required for rejuvenation, giving bush neat form, stimulate growth of side shoots and flowering. Grafting is done every spring in a pot, the volume slightly larger than the previous.

In general, the flower is not very capricious, and following the recommendations for care, you can get a beautiful, decorative deciduous plants have on the windowsill.

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