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Reproduction of ficus in the home. Subtleties and features

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This type of decorative indoor plants can be divided into several types of reproduction, and regardless of the selected type of it without much difficulty, maybe get a seedling for successful further procreation ficus.

But this process is different for each type:

· Considered troublesome to produce reproduction ampelnye ficus, since it requires a large amount of time for rooting its root system.

· But equally troublesome can be called a tree-like reproduction of bushes or figs as This process is considered to be more difficult, because you will need professional care and concern for shoots.

Helpful hints: regardless of the type of plant or method of reproduction in the home. It is important not to forget to respect, advice on breeding and reproduction, regardless of the selected type of ficus.

For example, to produce rooting ficus rubber is recommended from mid-spring to early summer. At that moment, when the outside air temperature optimum. As the sun's rays detrimental effect on young sprouts, and so is preferable during the growing place for them without access to ultraviolet light.

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How to care for escape

Broken stalks should be rinsed under running water to stop the allocation of juice after the plant cut. Experienced growers, then it is recommended to make an escape into the fresh air for drying the cut site.

Since rubber plants may multiply shoots, but do not forget that very young cuttings undesirable to use in order to breeding because of them wait for a good root system does not work, and the plant at planting soon perish.

For breeding the best fit lignified shoots 15-17 cm in size.

Reproduction of air layering

This procedure is carried out in the first place to rejuvenate the plant. Thus, breeding adult plants. With this method, you can get ready ficus bush after a few weeks.

helpful hints

Grow ficus, it is not difficult, since it practically does not capricious in cultivation. And regardless of your preferred type of reproduction, seedlings need to create the necessary care, it's not keeping it, you can not grow a full and healthy plant.

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