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The queen of flowers - tiger orchid. subtleties of cultivation

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Truly royal flower with unusual and quite extraordinary beauty - the orchid. A fairly common plant today. Due to the long period of flowering, inflorescence unusual colorings and pleasant unobtrusive scent of orchids, perhaps, one of the most sought after for modern housewives.

It possesses special uniqueness representative of the tropics of South America - tiger orchid.

From their relatives tiger queen different shape and color of the petals inflorescences.

It happens different colors, with spots and stripes, which is a distinctive feature of this species and fascinating originality, as well as other demands a certain attention and special care, but not too complicated for a simple admirer of exotic plants.

Tiger orchid begins to blossom under the age of not less than 1.5 years.

So, on the basis of their place of birth, tiger orchid likes a warm climate. For prolonged growth and flowering and necessary to create an optimal indoor temperature - from 21 to 27 degrees, and during the night to 24 degrees is better. The temperature difference between day and night positively affect the development of plants.

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A sufficient amount of light, while avoiding contact with the flower of direct sunlight. Diffused lighting is most favorable. The duration of daylight hours also plays an important role. The longer, the better. Therefore, in the winter often create artificial lighting using fluorescent lamps.

Maintaining optimum humidity - not less important condition for the full life of a tiger beauty. The moisture level should be the average. It is impossible to fill the orchid, but avoid drought.

About once every 5-7 days depending on the time of year and the weather made watering. For this type of plant is best to use a non-standard method of irrigation, so as not to damage the root system. Pot put in a container with water for some time, and the orchid will take the necessary moisture itself.

If watering from the top of the pot, after necessarily need to drain the water unnecessary. Better water drip on the inflorescence during flowering.

Differs also the contents of the pot in which the orchid lives. Clay consists of bark, moss and charcoal. Given that the roots are involved in photosynthesis and hence in power plants, the capacity in which grows orchid, should be transparent and have openings.

A couple of times a month for optimal development, it is necessary to feed a special fertilizer. But it is worth noting that you can not fertilize the tiger orchid immediately after transplantation and with the active bloom.

While respecting the fundamental and very important for the cultivation of tropical queen rules, the result will not wait and tiger orchid will delight guests with its household and exclusive beauty and pleasant fragrance!

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