Where to store the logs and when to bring them into the house
In recent years, storage of firewood for the fireplace was a real sophistication of indoor indoors. Often, in this there is no practical need, rather, we follow fashion. In addition, many designers began to include in the interiors of a special place to store firewood.
The owners of country houses using firewood beautiful drawers, shelves, empty space under the benches. Some people stack the fireplace decoration imitating wood and real wood stored outside.
Of course, the wood stacked next to the fireplace or stove, look great, creates a cozy mood, and finally, it is simply convenient.
But at the same time, wood can live insects, including dangerous to the walls of a wooden house. Entomologists believe that wood is best stored in special rooms or in the woodpile, and put them in house, at best, two days before use, but better - right before you send them to firebox.
On FORUMHOUSE we told how to store firewood and how to do miniature woodpile.
In either case, the wood should not be stored on the floor. Make sure that they are thoroughly dried before getting into the house. Malicious insects like damp wood, which smell the resin and tree sap, and live in dry wood is rare.
Read our article on what firewood - Best.
In addition, the dry wood, which contain not more than 20% moisture, and not efficiently combusted flue clog, will not rot and moldy. Buy firewood in the height of summer, to allow time to dry them. And always check the logs before you bring them into the house.
On FORUMHOUSE you can look at an example coolest woodpileMade by a member of our portal, I read an article that explains how to equip the area barbecue area.
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