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What to do when wilt Kalanchoe and how to "revive" the plant

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Kalanchoe - a perennial plant of the indoor kind of succulent and family Crassulaceae. In this article you will learn why Kalanchoe wither, and how to help the plant in this situation.

Usually, kalanchoe - very unpretentious in the care of a plant, but at the wrong care, it can be "sick." The most common problem of this plant - the appearance of flaccid leaves. Such a phenomenon can cause:

1. Too frequent watering. In Kalanchoe has a feature: it can store water in their leaves. If you pour too much water, kalanchoe, its leaves can become sluggish and fall off.

It is also important: the excess moisture in the soil root system may begin to rot, and this environment will be favorable for the development of insects and bacteria, which have a negative impact on the plant;

2. Conversely too rare watering. The leaves begin to turn yellow and wither, become lethargic and may start to fall off. Kalanchoe needs regular watering;

3. Failure to comply with the light regime. The plant is not recommended to keep either completely in the dark, or long under the direct rays. In both cases, the leaves begin to fade, as well as in contact with the sun's rays on leaves may appear in the form of a hardened burns brown spots;

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4. Failure to comply with temperature control. The room temperature must be from 15 to 25 C °. If an inappropriate temperature for the existence of Kalanchoe leaves begin to wilt, turn yellow and fall off.

5. Lack of regular feeding. The appearance of flaccid leaves can also talk about the lack of nutrients to the plant.

The main thing is to feed regularly and according to the instructions. You can not feed a lot, it will not contribute to the growth and flowering of the plants, but on the contrary can only hurt.

It also happens that the Kalanchoe is already very old, so the leaves may begin to fall. There is, unfortunately, does not help. This is a signal the beginning of the aging plant, which is a natural process.

One can only try to rejuvenate the plant. Break off small stems with leaves and put them in water. After a few weeks, the cuttings will root, they can be transplanted into the ground.

Care for Kalanchoe simple rules. So that the plant has been healthy and delight you with their blooms, it is necessary to normalize the regime Watering and feeding, to establish a suitable temperature and light conditions, as necessary to rejuvenate plant. And then it will tell you thank you.

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