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From the bulbs in a beautiful flower: hyacinth grow in the home

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When the window is raging winter, so I want to heat a speedy approach. In the midst of winter, please yourself and your home can be beautiful, blooming flowers on the windowsill. If you have patience and to create the right conditions, then admire the flowering and filling your house with superior scents get all year round!

What kind of flowers are suitable for growing in the home

Bulbous plants are ideal not only for the garden, but also for indoor cultivation. They have a short period of time between the awakening and blossoming, in a short period of time the plant will delight you with beautiful flowers.

At rest, the organs of the future plant are formed in the bulbs. If properly comply with temperature control to maintain the moisture level and to create the right lighting, the plant will bloom in an unusual time for yourself.

This process is called by distillation. Technology forcing flower bulbs is a snap. The timing of flowering are three types of distillation:

- early - plants bloom in December;

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- average - plants bloom in January or February;

- late - plants bloom in March.

For the distillation in the home is well suited hyacinth. Its growth period from planting to flowering is very small. In three months you will bloom on the windowsill beautiful plants.

How to grow hyacinth indoors

Hyacinth - a delicate flower, which grows well in the flowerbed. But also at home to grow this beauty will not be difficult. The whole secret of success in the right growing conditions. The first step on the way of growing plants - the choice of bulbs. She must be strong and dense, with no rot and defects. The diameter should not be less than 5 cm.

From healthy bulbs better chance to grow a beautiful flower. Before planting the plant in the ground it is treated with a special disinfecting solution. For hyacinth preferably slightly alkaline, neutral or ground.

When you have chosen a suitable primer bulb and you're ready to precipitation of. Proper planting is carried out under the scheme:

Layer 1 - expanded clay (drainage);

2 layer - the soil;

Layer 3 - peat or sand;

Layer 4 - the bulb;

Layer 5 - the soil.

The tip of the bulb should peek out. Top next hyacinth can be sprinkled with sand to prevent the decay of plants. A pot with a flower hidden in the dark and cool place. Under these conditions, for a period of wintering plants. The temperature should be not lower than 5 and not higher than 8 degrees.

Ideal basement, but you can put the plant in the refrigerator vegetable department. Here, for the hyacinth winter will continue for 10 weeks. During this time, the plant must take root and let escape. It is important to ensure that the substrate is not dried, otherwise the flower dies.

When will sprout, flower should be moved to a brighter place. Now for hyacinth necessary to recreate the conditions of artificial spring, with a temperature of 10-15 degrees. If peduncle growth period goes well, then a month later the plant will delight you with beautiful flowers.

When hyacinth bloom, it rearranged to a window with optimum temperature at 20 degrees. To extend the flowering period to be cool in the room.

How to care for home hyacinth

Hyacinth - undemanding plant. To flower to please their owners, it is important to provide him with proper care. First of all - is watering. The plant does not tolerate drying out the soil, abundant moisture loves, but does not tolerate standing water.

Should only moisturize the soil and in any case not to pour water on buds and leaves. The following condition - good lighting. Hyacinth loves the light. Flower must be periodically rotated to provide him with proper growth. In the evening it would be nice to highlight special fitolamp plant.

Indoor flower responsive to different fertilizing, so from time to time to use fertilizer well. Hyacinth very tender plant, so it should be protected from heat sources and drafts. By following these simple rules, the flower will please you as much as possible.

Potted flowers are sold in stores all year round. But the real joy can be experienced from growing the plants themselves. You can bring this exciting process with children and make sure that both the bulb shoots and buds appear.

A little patience, and it's an interesting exercise will bring you pleasure and your achievements will delight you with its beauty!

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