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Violets home: accommodation, watering, planting

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Beautiful flora, love all gardeners - violets. A variety of grades of strikes, one copy of the handsome boyfriend. How can you not fall in love? Alas, violets - capricious plant, they need to adhere strictly to the rules of care.

Where to place the pot with the flower?

On the leaves of violets should get a lot of light, she loves the heat. Should avoid direct rays, the scattered light is preferred. That is why, if the violet pose in the window that faces south, pritenyayut paper or curtains. The ideal room for accommodation - kitchen: the plants warm, cozy and the hostess. Plus a kitchen and high humidity, which will benefit the violet.

If the location is not correct, the flower becomes listless, unkempt appearance. Broken sockets form, because the stalk begins to be drawn up. Light day for violets should be about 13 hours. In the winter time, they can get sick, wither. In this case, they direct fluorescent lamps, creating artificial lighting.

The soil

Violets like a light soil. The flower shops you can buy ready-made land marked on the form of the plant. At the bottom of the pot must be a layer of expanded clay for drainage.

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Previously, in the days when there was no ready-made soil mixtures, growers have been doing so: garden soil passed through a sieve, add a little sand. This mass of well-roasted in the oven, to kill all the insects and their larvae. At the bottom we put a common river pebbles. Pot pre scalding hot water.

The size of the pot

The root system of violets is small, so do not pay attention to the size of the crown. Whatever the majestic leaves, plants need a small pot. The spacious beauty bloom long time, all the power to spend on the development of rhizomes.

For very small flowers of the ideal diameter flowerpot is 5 cm for the adult plants - about 10 cm. Less of these figures should not be omitted, too little space is also a detrimental effect on growth.

If a rare plant varieties and has a custom size, the pot size is calculated by the formula: sockets length divided by three. The resulting figure - recommended diameter.


It is important that the soil was moistened. However provokes rotting excess moisture.

How often to water the violets? About once a week in winter and twice - in the summer. Direct watering need it in the ground, so that the water drops do not remain on the velvet leaves and flowers.

The second method - bottom watering. Under the pot is placed a bowl filled with water to one-third of the pot. Half an hour later the plant fully sated with water. Residues poured. To maintain sufficient moisture around the pot is placed a wet sponge or cloth.

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