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Varieties of cabbage, which are perfectly kept and provide large, dense heads of cabbage

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Just want to ask you, dear readers, the comments tell us about your preferences, the types that you are growing and satisfied, can recommend. Either someone on the contrary there is a story to tell about the types who do not like them. All of us for the next year of your advice will be very helpful when choosing sites for its varieties.

I would like to describe the first grade "Snow White". Versatile variety that can safely store up to 8-9 months. Who likes fresh salad in the winter - that this sort of ideal. Why I have decided to begin with a description of Snow White? Because he It has healing properties. It is this variety leaves are used for making various tinctures for compresses. Fresh it is, is very helpful, probably better than other varieties nourishes the body in trace elements that strengthen the immune system. Cabbages can reach up to 4 kg in the mature form and are not afraid of an earlier or later harvest. In any case, great lie.

It continues with a description of the variety

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"Stone Head". This is middle-grade, I think many of you know for several years. It gives an excellent harvest (head grows right up to 6 kg), the same is excellent in the winter. During the period of growth and development, and excellent resistance to drought and heat. A very nice feature of this sort - dense plugs without thick veins of leaves. During cultivation, growing cabbages do not crack - it is important to know that the whole crop is not cracked and not disappoint you. Stone head can be fermenting, pickling, a fresh salad, or cook stew - it is equally tasty and tender. The only tiny minus grades - lack of juice. But this does not spoil any taste or flavor or tenderness of the dense leaves.

the next grade "Snowstorm" bred in Siberia. Late-grade, which allows the fork to 3.5 kg weight on the average, maximum - up to 5 kg. For winter storage can safely recommend to plant. Productivity is very good, unlike the stone heads of succulent leaves, taste - without bitterness. Keep easy to grow as well. The only thing that it is necessary to take into account - do not water much, otherwise the roots will rot and the leaves - mold. This variety is attractive for city dwellers who go to the cottage on weekends only. Blizzard does not need constant watering, and it grows well regardless of the decrease in the light of the day in August and September. Dense heads of cabbage.

grade "Wintering in 1474", The name of the speaker. Properties in this class - almost like the previous two, but only the mass of head reaches up to 4 kg. But there is a distinguishing feature - the larger is, the tastier it becomes. That is, after the new year and spring salads - excellent.

Variety of red cabbage "Topaz" just bring in this list, as well kept in the winter, but the main thing - sometimes it would be desirable for a variety of colorful coleslaw. Yield, of course, smaller than previous ones, a head can weigh only 2.5 kg. But even it grows well in loamy soils. Planting early is better, since the maturation of head with a lack of light in August and September will be worse, the leaves are obtained are smaller, but more loose heads of cabbage. This variety loves a good fertilizer base, so at maturity can make additional fertilizing.

Thank you in advance for the Huskies;)share, communicate.
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