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The main thing not to be late and not to hurry with the planting of winter garlic. when the time

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Autumn - for truckers is the time when you have to constantly keep an eye on the forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center. So as not to be late and not to rush the harvesting of carrots and beets, in time to plant winter garlic. True nature of recent years is so unpredictable that winter garlic begins to grow suddenly returned from the heat. But what can you do.

But still mostly talk about the basic rules (when and how) garlic planting before winter.

For a week or two before planting, carefully dig over the bed of garlic, plenty of water infusion of herbs (you can make humus zablogovremenno) and leave on time for soil shrinkage. Additional fertilizer when planting or just make no in front of him, as every year, sow green manure. All this power is enough for a good harvest next summer.

How to plant. Many gardeners are arguing about the depth of winter planting garlic. Some put no more than 5 cm, the other deeper to 15 cm. How to? I would say so, and syak plant can be, but with the temperature changes. If shallow, then advance it is necessary to land, no later than 2 weeks, and preferably for 3 to frost, foreshadowing Met. Then take root and garlic can even go a little further.

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My grandmother planted garlic deeper. Frosts in my childhood were stronger today. My grandmother always said that when shallow planting garlic can freeze in the winter and in the spring will not rise. Now I plant shallow, winter here in the Volga very warm, sometimes rainy autumn continues until the new year. Here, depending on the climatic conditions and the need to choose the correct depth.

Although it is possible and without too much penetration to protect the garlic from freezing temperatures mulching. Only need to mulch only after the first frost, not before. And in the spring as the snow melts, immediately remove ridges from the surface of the entire coating.

When planting garlic I never disinfected in a special solution, as it is now fashionable to do all gardeners. I just dipped basal plate in the wet ash and soot into the wells.

The distance between the teeth always choose 8-10 cm to the eye. Grandma also planted in shahmotnom order. Winter garlic always yielding obtained from us. Do you like garlic when planting before winter?

Thank you in advance for the Huskies;)
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