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First phosphoric dressing strawberry spring. Why is phosphorus. other activities

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In April, gardeners and farmers are already beginning to put in order the strawberry bushes. In the spring you need to have time to carry out certain activities to a given culture.

first fertilizing

If it's cool, and the temperature of the soil is not warmed above 10 degrees, the fed strawberries yet does not make sense.

Therefore, you must wait at least a minimum warming of the earth. At this time, the roots begin to actively take nutrients that you make with the fertilizer.

If you feed the plants in cold soil, the part of the fertilizer simply evaporate, go into the deeper layers of soil, strawberries and did not wait for food, especially phosphorus. That is, it will be a wasted effort.

When the earth warms up, I make organic and mineral fertilizers for strawberries. In particular strawberry spring needs in nitrogen and phosphorus, because it affects the formation of fruit. And it is used early due to slow conversion of this element in the form available to the plant. Most often make phosphate fertilizers since autumn, but most of them lost in the melting snow.

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With a lack of phosphorus berry shrinking and lose their sweetness. If the scatter phosphorus fertilizer on the garden beds, in accessible form, he will become only a couple of years.

As accelerate the absorption of phosphorus

To accelerate the absorption of phosphorus, to make it as a solution, bay hot water. For example, it is necessary to take 1kg double superphosphate and fill it with 5 liters of boiling water. Periodically, you need to stir stick for better dissolution. After one day, virtually all fertilizer should be dissolved. If undissolved granules are caught, they simply crushed.

Then, add to the solution a further 5 liters of water. Obtain a mother liquor 10 liters, which must be diluted and do working solution. To 1 liter of mother liquor need to 10 liters of water. And this diluted mixture can already be watered at the root of a plant of 0.5 liters per plant.

Thus, 10 L of concentrate per 100 L of enough working solution.

If the solution will be, they can feed and berry bushes. The remaining residue in the bucket can be broken under the fruit trees.

other activities

Before the first feeding strawberries I crop the dry and old leaves, because they are the source of infection and viral diseases. Strawberry after hibernation does not look aesthetically pleasing, so you need to put it in order. From the leaves leaving only the young leaves. Also removes excess mustache.

In March as snow melts, strawberries treat hot water spraying it from a height of 1 m with boiling water from a watering can with a sprinkler. Such protection measures against the spread of infection and mite (transparent strawberry, and spider).

Strawberry mite develops when leaving young leaves on the buds, in which the female lays her eggs.

At temperatures above 18 degrees may be used Biologicals against pests and diseases (various types rot, powdery mildew, gummy). Mite has proved popular drug "Tiovit Jet" - Acarofungicides, who struggles with pests and fungal diseases. And Aktofit, he copes with sucking insects and mites.

From folk remedies are proven as follows:
0.1% iodine solution (10 mL iodine in 10 liters of water);
mustard solution (50 g of powder per 10 liters of water);
5% solution of potassium permanganate;

Before fertilizing loose earth between the bushes and dampening to the nutrient solution (fertilizers) are well absorbed and not rolled on the bed into the aisle.

Thus, it is important to fertilize strawberries since the spring, and protect it from pests and diseases.

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Strawberry. 10 best varieties
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Strawberry bushes to dry, what to do?
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