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How to get vermicompost: useful to themselves and for sale

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How to breed their own producers of vermicompost and whether on this rich? On the experience of members of the forum

Vacationers are starting to breed earthworms for various reasons. Some dream fertilize their beds vermicompost, which is produced earthworms - established that this is a valuable organic fertilizer is ten times more effective than compost. Another vermicompost is not needed, but the need worms - for fishing or feed the chickens. Others are engaged in animal husbandry and planning powers Californian worm to process the accumulated manure.

Chervevodstvo or, in other words, vermicultivation - a very young science. worms breeding technology is fulfilled and perfected now. It is believed that the most detailed and complete discussion vermivoprosov around RuNet can be found at Now this We discuss all kinds of "cultural worms" - Californian, Dendroben, Prospector etc.


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What is the difference, as our worm called, the main thing it performs the task that we set for them. Putrefaction when working worm absent

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no stench; We produce vermicompost – constitutes an invaluable primer – of garbage; worms anywhere anywhere from us flee – what else is needed... Like my grandpa said call me a pot, not only in the furnace soot.

Create conditions for Californian worms in general, it is not so difficult, but they survive not everyone. In forumchanin Boris AnnenkovFor example, did not survive, but it is very much about them learned.

Boris Annenkov


- Californian worm lives of 12-15 years (ordinary earthworm lives 5-6 years), multiplies several times more than usual worm.

- This worm does not hibernate, like an ordinary earthworm, which means that it produces for the year much more vermicompost.

- This worm lives a compact population in the place where it is fed (normal worm lone wanderer, walks where he wants).

- for the worm comfortable conditions are almost the same conditions as for human - temperature 18-25 degrees, humidity 70-80%, the absence of noise and vibration. I do not like bright light, but wants to have at least a weak source of information on the state of the light of the day.

- he is very selective in the food the food, which was first tried just hatched from the cocoon of a young worm, and he will eat for life. Changing the composition of the feed can lead to the death of all the young population from starvation. Therefore it is always necessary to know the exact composition of feed, which was the one who sold you these worms.

- so as not to injure the worms in the selection of vermicompost, they need to be kept in special Biofermentatorah-boxes with a rather complicated four-story structure, the space Biofermentatora-box worm itself divides into «the kitchen», «recreation area», «nursery» and «restroom».

Vermiguru love V. Kluvik54 believes that chervevodstvo - the most profitable areas in agriculture, especially in the presence of their own food supply. Very few dare she, engaged Californians professionally. But breed worms that will successfully provide a valuable fertilizer a small garden plot, of the forces of each. Vermicompost you can only get a few months of starting work your for pets, but they will give weekly vermichay - the fluid that accumulates on a pallet under chervyatnikom. It is diluted in water to color slabozavarennogo tea and fed plants. Excellent, according to portal users, react to vermichay and seedlings.


Vermichay obtained if to pour some water worms. For example, if I need to feed the seedlings, I pour in a box of worms a couple of glasses of water and after 15-20 minutes, drained from the pan vermichay. Seedlings like it very much! In all other cases, I only wet the cloth which covered the worms. A vermichay do when necessary, t. To. He should be fresh.

At home I live a little worm. The thing is not thought, but they live in a small box out of the fruit (the volume of the box about 5 liters). Their task a small number of worms cope fine. It is clear that they eat less and less produce humus than the family of several thousand worms. But more and is not necessary for the house.



I also have a volume of 5 liters, no watering, vermichay with about half a glass a week collect, dilute with water to the glass and water, to which scarce.

Many forum users are holding mini chervefermy home: in the boiler room, on the balcony, in the bathroom, and even under the kitchen table. It does not cause great inconvenience: the only odor that may make chervyatnik - the smell of fresh earth.



Worms keep the house, the children grumble, but resigned in the summeron the balcony. Drawer of galvanizing: 600h400h500 mm, the bottom of the drill D drilled 4 mm larger pallet. Over the summer, I got two boxes of fertilizer in the winterone. I buy single-family multiply unequally: it very much, somewhere vanish.

Boris Annenkov

I kept winter Californian worms in a special biofermentatore right under the dining table in the kitchen. Neither we nor our guests no unpleasant odors is not felt. And with a home biofermentatora possible over the winter period, when the family of 3-4 people, to prepare about 150 liters magnificent vermicompost.

In cottage worms held in various vermikultivatorah constructed mainly based on the found on the Internet. For example, a house for worms, built Nadezhdoy1303.


Participant FORUMHOUSE

The box is put on the foot of paving slabs (by moles) and a foam sheet (temperature stabilization).

But the most correct and cheapest option, according to Kluvik54 - moving beds (piles).


For high-quality vermicompost enclosing territory under a bed, divide it into three compartments (each compartment shall be protected - approx. ed). In the first section of the worm runs, while he eats, wastes accumulate in the third compartment. Second at least three meters walks. When the worm is completely redesigned the first compartment, the transfer of waste to third in the second, open the fence, and as the water at the dam open, the worm will go to the new food. The third compartment is freed, the second, fourth fill. By the fifth compartment will begin overpopulation, too much of the worm will need to settle in other beds, piles vymankoy plastic boxes (filled waste).

If all parameters vymanka finished, leave for another mesyachishko shoulder under the straw, and then reinsert the boxes, the worm will go again.

After vymanki which extends 90 days, vermicompost is laid in a cold warehouse for the winter. After freezing it becomes a lush, easily sown, it is pleasant to work with. And the land on the site of the moving beds will still be fertile - this technology vermichay remains in the soil and fertilize it abundantly.

In nature, earthworms feed on organic remains: the rotting roots, grass, manure. From this and repel owners of cultural worm. Fresh pork and poultry manure worms in the food no good - only after fermentation, which can take quite some time. Determine readiness by using ph-meter and thermometer confectionery. And here a fresh horse and cow manure worms can be given, the main thing - to impose a thin layer so as not to burn. Horse manure is generally one of the most favorite delicacies Chervyakova.

Also in the food are the remains of vegetables (both raw and cooked), and fruits: rotten apples, bananas, plums, etc... It is important not to overdo it and not spoiled residents chervetariya.


If you start to feed it manure and manure ALWAYS have to produce. It is better to immediately transfer to the available foodplant residues. I first capricious, and is now happy to grind everything, but most of all love pumpkin and carrots. Banana skins zalozhivayutsya.

What else to eat worms? Love broken tea, and together with the bags. Coffee grounds. Quietly eating paper and cloth. Food for worms scroll through a meat grinder is not necessarily "enough to cut into pieces the size of a five-ruble coin. And then they start to be lazy. Light food enough, cease brood care. Reasonable, it turns out, every creature. "


Crushed only to speed up the process of recycling, and if you do not hurry, you can not grind. If fermenting, it is better vermichaem there are the usual worms and microflora waste produced in such a way they are processed faster.

The main drawback of California worm - it makes no cold and die at a temperature below zero. It's the only thing he loses a miner who at minus five ingeniously cleanses the stomach and sleep until spring. But Californian almost half the price, and the gardeners like many other indicators. Therefore, many prefer it. Californian in winter or shelter, or take in the room with positive temperature. Nestle worm something edible for him, in case of a prolonged winter he had extra rations. You can cover the hay, sawdust can be; however, resinous conifers sawdust worm does not eat, but deciduous quite suitable.



To the worm does not freeze, it should be warm. For example, if the worm winters outdoors, pile worms distribute humus layer of 30-40 cm and isolated from rodent small mesh. All this is to hide a layer of straw. I think it would be cheaper to prepare for winter worms than to buy new each spring. Especially because in the winter they will thrive even in a few times.

Owners of large vermiferm not consider wintering big problem. These photographs - part of the farm Kluvik54.


The naked eye can see worm nestled bad, there is a pilot shoulder (third photo) I did not consciously harbored for three seasons t. e. it freezes through all except cocoon survives, while a portion 10 ar all waste is processed without problems.

Gardener can quite quickly provide a standard plot completely vermicompost, buying for the beginning of a standard family in 1500 individuals. But no one in particular from members of the forum has not yet managed to get rich on worms - though nobody set himself such a task. From one kilogram of a worm for the year 1,500 kilograms, as promised by various advertising does not work: how to estimate forum, to obtain 1500 kg worm need 150 tons of organic matter, and one worm gives offspring only 1500 pieces in theory. Yes, and a difficult case.


You will need a wheelbarrow, pitchfork, shovel, boots, gloves and, of course, a lot of physical labor. Do not be surprised if after the first mixing at least a ton of litter / manure, you have completely lost the desire to have worms. I, for example, after «with worms» I go into the house only through the shower. Dirty and smelly this case, to be honest.

In the view of members of the forum, vermicultivation - only intermediate in farming: you produce himself fertilizer, and thus increases the yield of vegetables. The worms are fed to the bird, then you should not worry because the suspect purchased biokroma composition.



The task of earning on this for 2,000 euros per tonne of vermicompost not put. I want to ensure first of all its agricultural. needs. Then we'll see.



B / word will breed solely for pleasure. type «oh, I'm cool!».


Patience to all of you in thisan interesting and cost-effective business!

Problems and prospects of breeding Californian worm and discussed here in this section Forum, but mostly - here in this. How to simplify the processing section, you can learn material of homemade products for digging and homemade mini tractor.

Video will help you to classify the soil in your yard, the correct selection of fertilizers, reduce acidity and fight plant diseases.

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