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Neck stuck: pinched nerve itself corrected in 2 hours

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Osteochondrosis can not run. This may worsen the condition of the spine and overall health of the whole organism. For me, the problem is no longer a problem. Although often used the neck ache, the pain from the lower back into the leg impact. In general, a pinched nerve for me it was pretty common.

The last two years, I do not suffer from a pinched nerve. Rather these moments happen, but I quickly deal with them using fitball. This is such a big ball for fitness. I can not imagine life without him now. After my stories now all friends and friends have bought fitball home. And it all started with the fact that very ill from lower back pain and limping. Doctors do painkillers lidocaine, but the problem was not solved.

Accidentally I came across information about vibroplastike using fitball and started to study this topic. I spotted a lot of video and subtracted many articles about the pinched nerve and osteohndroz. I went to the nearest sports shop and bought this magical ball. After returning home, immediately began to act. After 2 hours the pain was no longer in the back. The next day I asked the clinic to close the hospital because she felt fine.

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Then there was another incident. In the morning somehow I woke up and realized that his neck stuck. It could not get his head to turn to one side. I think many of you are faced with such a situation. But I already knew what to do and warned about his work late for a couple of hours, got down to business.

Let us first recall from what is happening pinched. The reason may be the anything. Hypothermia, trauma, muscle spasms, tumor, metabolic disorders, and other serious diseases. Less terrible reasons, in my opinion - is the excessive load on the area of ​​crushing, muscle weakness, bad posture, bad posture for sleep (including an uncomfortable mattress and pillow), sharp turns his head or body. These latter causes can be prevented exercises every day.

I want to note that I am not in any way do not call only to be treated independently. For medical advice and detailed examination must be handled in any way and learn about contraindications. After all, the reason can be extremely serious.

My case with jamming and pinching a nerve in the spine was not terrible. For some reason, the doctor prescribed only painkillers and to study the subject in order to understand how to fix it, I had the most. Just all the videos filmed by doctors and in various programs of health, said that the main thing - do not start the problem, it does not become a chronic disease. I thank Dr. Bubnovskaya and many are unknown doctors who gave a detailed account of the pinching.

Now back to the fitball. How to choose the right amount of balls, usually written instructions to him. I bought orthopedic fitball, he did not slip, I'm calm, not afraid to fall, worked on it. Well, engaged, she lays. First, he lays on his stomach and lay with svisshey head. That is, the top-most point on the ball should be poyasnyaitsa.

When relaxed, and just lay there, the muscles are stretched too, spine slightly opens (if so correct to say) and a pinched nerve is released. This was said in the video course on vibroplastike. I was lying before, until the pain passed. Then gently roll down to the floor at the feet, he got up and went to the same on the ball is already on his back. Again, lay as much in the curved position.

I helped myself kicking hands, creating a weak vibration when jammed neck. It was necessary that the neck muscles are completely relaxed and spinal discs slightly under the influence of vibration such as springs, stretched. At some point, I heard a crunch, one after another. It was the same sound as when the chiropractor manually reduce a vertebrae. I think you, too, that sound familiar.

He repeated on the back. That is, it turns out in the end that stretch the muscles and the spine on both sides of the ball. In the front and in the back. In my case, I felt the result after the first session. He is lying, perhaps half an hour on each side. I repeated a couple of times with a break. Just two hours of the lying corrected pinching and head can be rotated in both directions equally.

Now sometimes for prevention as well I do. Later, in the following articles, still tell many interesting things as fitball useful for everyday life. Do not forget to subscribe to our channel.

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