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Winter currant cuttings in mid-February

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Of grafted berry bushes can be in the winter. I always them by cuttings in summer and winter. The procedure is simple, there is nothing complicated there. In the summer once cut cuttings are planted at an angle into the ground and make a small top parnichok, which will save on time out of direct sunlight. Winter grafting technique is somewhat different. In March, before the sap flow, you can also do this procedure.

What you need


sprigs of currants;

Bank with water;


plastic bottle;

expanded clay;



stimulator rooting "Kornestim";


Step-by-step instruction

1. In mid-February should be cut using secateurs annual shoots (usually lighter than the others) from the bottom of the bush.

2. Divide sprigs on cuttings of 20 cm.

The tops of the I usually throw out because they do not take root.

3. Take a jar and pour water to one-third. Add to it a spoonful of honey. It nourishes and cuttings from the kidneys quickly appear roots.

4. Put on a bright windowsill, it is better to enclose under Bank foam cuttings that was not cold from the window.

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5. Monitor the water level in the pot until the roots are not fully grown. The water can be added a little potassium permanganate as a disinfectant, to the solution turned faintly pink (not too far only). In early April, should develop a well-developed roots, and leaves from the axils of the kidneys.

6. Take cuttings from the regrown roots, dusted last rooting stimulant powder "Kornestim" (you can choose other stimulants, if you prefer).

7. Take trimmed (just above half the size) plastic bottle, make the drainage holes with a nail in it.

8. To pour a small layer of expanded clay, or vermiculite to the bottom of the container for drainage.

9. Then pour half a bottle of universal soil.

10. Next, take the stalks and place it in the container, fill up to the top of the potting soil, leaving a little space from the edges. Sprinkle the soil should be careful not to damage the roots, because they are brittle and fragile.

11. Well watered the sapling, because currant moisture-loving culture. In the future, we can not allow drying of earthen room. But pereuvlazhnyat do not need, or will begin to develop mold and root rot.

Thus, we need to do with all the other cuttings, if you have more than 1 piece. The more cuttings, the greater the percentage of survival. Before handling in open ground does not fertilize the plant.

12.Vesnoy in May, do transshipment to a permanent place, fertilize organic and ash pit.

Redcurrants survives somehow worse than black. I'm her Propagated by layers and cuttings in the spring.

I wish you a successful rooting!

You will be interested to read this:
How to get 8-10 kg of black currant bush. Care
Blackcurrant autumn and dressing, which you might not know
Propagated red currant cuttings in summer
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