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How to display the ants and cockroaches from the kitchen or garden without the use of chemicals. I conducted an experiment

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How can we trifle annoying insects! We tried all: bleach, salicylic acid, latest sprayers - the effect is short. Whether it is possible in some other way?

But doctors warned ...

Bumping on the Internet for articles about the harmfulness of radiation microwave ovens, mobile phones and other devices, we are of them shrugs: oh, who knows what will write a little! Then they began to listen: go out of the kitchen when working microwave oven, do not put the mobile phone in his breast pocket, not to leave it on the night next to the bed. But the added value of these instruments suddenly opened.

Mobile phone fell down - and ...

Mobile phone worked like Newton's apple: fell right on me. I thought: I close up the ant hole, disinfect the place hangouts cockroaches and a couple of weeks everything again? Just say that radiation is harmful to people, maybe it is undesirable "guests" not too helpful?

Conducted an experiment: near yet not sealed openings, were taken from the beginning of the "ant highway" left for the night included a mobile phone. He rang at 12 o'clock in the morning, and then I put it to 3.00, led sound, went to bed. In the morning the ants did not want to get out. With the three machines processed all the points, each three times, and then caulked, painted over - and all! Six months later - they forgot to us the way at all.

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The engineering design of a microwave oven

Or maybe, and cockroaches can povyvesti? Only radiation should be more powerful... In a microwave included for half an hour, put a sheet of aluminum foil for cooking - so as to insert the end of peeking out.

A few days of such action - and, imagine, cockroaches disappeared. The experiment was conducted in April - until six-legged thieves do not come back.

Sometimes a small change leads to sensible ideas! Try. Just get out of the kitchen when the units work.

Article Channel My House sent Arina Rodionova

p.s .:Subscribeper channelMy house- all the most important, useful, interesting is yet to come!Everyone can share their experience in the construction, repair and improvement of housing, suburban area, send photos, tell me about your country, house, apartment.

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