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How do you know your land health. Smart test strip

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To obtain high yields of garden crops and correct their development need a healthy fertile land with the necessary level of acidity.

Now on sale there are special test test strips, which determine the acidity of gardening soil and land in pots for indoor plants. There are, of course, but other methods of determining the acidity. But with the help of this tool you can know with accuracy the pH. The package included instruction and 3 test strips.

Instructions for use
Instructions for use

The concept of soil acidity

The soil has its own measure of acidity, which is referred to as the pH.

If the value of the show at the level of 6.0-7.0, the land is considered to be neutral. At lower pH values ​​- slightly acidic and sour. If a value greater than 7.0, the soil is slightly alkaline and alkaline.

We determine the acidity of the soil with the help of test strips. Step-by-step instruction

To find out the pH of soil, use the following instructions:

1. Pour in container 2 hours. land spoon, and add water in an amount of one-fourth cup (50 ml).

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2. Stir the contents and wait until the earth has settled to the bottom (3-5 minutes).

3. Dipped in the resulting solution test strip for 1-2 seconds.

4. After drying (approximately 30 sec.) To compare the color on the strip with the values ​​of the color scale, which is indicated on the reverse side of the package.

The color scale to determine the acidity of the soil
The color scale to determine the acidity of the soil

5. Compare the result with the optimal parameters for the acidity of a particular culture, see in the table. 1 instructions.

I got so smart test strips in gardening store and will use this season. And you recommend. It should have this test indicators 40 rubles.

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