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February - the best time for propagation by cuttings of currants, as it turns out strong and early seedlings.

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Many gardeners believe that in the winter, namely in February, there is no work on the site. At this time should begin currant cuttings. This will update the bush and propagate favorite brand. With the advent of May can be safely transplanted young plant. By the beginning of winter cold it can get stronger and gain strength.

Methods of propagation
With the first sign of each person. That they are used by many gardeners. In order to increase the roots of the handle, it must be put in a container with water. It is best to use a glass jar. Boil and cool water, as the raw water contains a large number of pathogenic microorganisms. At the time of growing cuttings, no need to constantly change the water, all that is required regularly to pour it to the original volume.

To deal with the second method, you must make a great effort. For it will need a package, which is placed moist sphagnum moss or sawdust. The package put stalk about 2 buds and tie. Moisture and heat are formed peculiar greenhouse, accelerating root germination process. Place the cuttings in a dark room for 10 days, when the time will come, putting bags with them into the world.

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Regardless of the option chosen cuttings should not be in the cold or in places with a draft. It would be the best room temperature for sprouting roots.
Once the root system to grow enough, transplant the cuttings into the ground capacity. Around the middle of May, the young seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place of growth. If the bushes in the first year zavyazhutsya flowers, need to get rid of them, because the plants need strength for the development of the root system and the crown rather than fruiting.

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